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I woke up to the smell of waffles lingering the house. I got out of my bed and rubbed my eyes as I walked downstairs and into the kitchen to find my mom dancing around the kitchen making breakfast.

"Hey ma," I yawned. Me and my mom have always been close. Well at least we are when my dad isn't home. Every since I told them I'm gay, he pushed me away. Not that that was even possible seeming as we weren't close to begin with.

"I have good news," she smiled. I looked at her and waited for her to tell me as I walked to the fridge to get water. "Your dad asked for a divorce." She smiled. Okay your husband is leaving you why are you happy?

"Okay?" I asked.

"So he's moving out and now we can be without him," she smiled.

"Oh thank god," I sighed. "I love dad but he's a d- mean person." I shrugged. "I'm gonna shower." I said as I walked Out of the kitchen. Today was Saturday and I was thanking the gods because I hate school. I was a straight A student and most likely gonna be getting plenty of scholarships but I wasn't very social at all. I have two friends. Gazzy and Deigo. And other than that, I don't fuck with anyone.

"Can Gazzy and Deigo come over?" I called from the top of the stairs.

" I don't care but I'm not going to home, I work today," she yelled back. My mom is a gynecologist. I don't know what the hell that is so don't ask me. Ask Siri.

Time skip

"So I heard that Stokeley came over yesterday?" Deigo smiled at me.

"Who told you?" I asked. Cause it was not me. I furrowed my brows and took another drink of my sprite.

"He told Kimetrius and Kimetrius told me," Deigo explained.

"I know you not still fucking with that closeted boy?" Gazzy rolled his eyes.

"He's going to come out when he's ready," Deigo defended him. I love him but he's naive as hell. That boy won't come out until it's too late. I've been there with a guy at my old school. It never ends well.

"Anyways, Stokeley told him that he told you that you're pretty. He also said you have a fat ass," Deigo smiled.

Fuck is you smiling for? I don't care. He's a player first of all. And secondly, he's a asshole. He doesn't respect women and no. Just no.

"I care why?" I rolled my eyes.

"You guys would be cute," Gazzy cooed.

No Gazzy don't do this. Now Deigo is gonna run and tell Kimetrius and he's gonna tell Stokeley and it's gonna make him think I like him when I don't. If it wasn't for this biology project I would not be even acknowledging his existence.

"Oh my god, Metri said that he agrees," Deigo squealed.  I hope he doesn't say shit to Stokeley . I don't need this.

"He said that he told Stokeley and he got to stuttering real fast and said he's not gay," Deigo laughed at his phone.

"Oh my god, why did you tell him?" I whined.

"It's fine, no one hangers on to anything," Gazzy smiled.

"What Gazzy?" I furrowed my brows. "You know what nevermind." I shook my head and looked at my phone.

Stokeley: What did you tell Kimetrius?

Who tf is that? You can't talk to soap my dude

Stokeley: ki- nevermind What did you tell Deigo?

Ohhh that Kimetrius . I didn't nothing that was you talkin abt my fat ass and pretty face😭 shut up

Stokeley: I don't like you.

Good for you hun.

Stokeley: you get on my nerves.

Yet you still texting me? Huh that's interesting..

Read at 11:26 am

I rolled my eyes and locked my phone, "Guys let's go to the movies to see birdbox."

"I'm down, can Metri come?" Deigo asked.

"Don't care come on," I stood up and grabbed my keys and wallet. "Mom can I use the car?" I asked as I walked downstairs.

"Yeah be back by curfew," she yelled back. I nodded my head like she could see me and walked out with gazzy and Deigo following behind me. We got in the car with Gazzy in the front and Deigo in the back.

After we got the movies we had to wait for Kimetrius slow ass because he was stuck in traffic. First of all it's Saturday and it's 12 noon. Ain't no damn traffic but if that's what you want to tell yourself okay sir.

After a long fifteen minute wait we saw Kimetrius walking up with Stokeley and Omar. Who told these fools to join?

"Who invited you?" Stokeley glared at me.

"I actually invited your dumbass so shut the fuck up," Deigo glared at him.

I rolled my eyes and walked away, getting in line to get popcorn and a drink. I got a large pop corn with extra butter and a large coke and waited for everyone lose to get their snacks. I sat down on a little bench by the bathrooms and pulled out my phone.

"Sorry about earlier," Stokeley sat next to me. I looked up at him  and turned my attention back to my phone without saying anything. I don't care. You didn't hurt my feelings.

"You ready to go in?" Gazzy asked as he walked over with Omar and Deigo and Kimetrius begins him.

I nodded my head and we walked into the theater. Deigo, Gazzy, Kimetrius, and omar all sat together on some double date shit and that left me and Stokeley. I sat down with one seat between us and turned to the movie as it started.

Time skip

This movie is boring as shit. Why did I want to watch this? I don't know. But it was a waste of five dollars. I could have got a whole meal from Burger King with that. Stupid ass movie.

I started getting cold so I tucked my arms inside of my shirts and leaned into my seat. "Here," Stokeley tried to hand me his sweater.

"I don't want your musty ass hoodie," I rolled my eyes and turned back to the movie.

"Mean ass," he mumbled.

I don't care. Didn't nobody tell you to come. Now shut up and quit talking to me. You don't like me so stop acting like you do.

I have school so I'm going to sleep.
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