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"Tell me who did it," I asked again.

"There's nothing you can do, it doesn't matter," He hiccuped. He pulled the blanket back over his face and cried. I felt myself become angry when it hit me who it was. A feeling of guilt took over when I remembered it used to be me that did this to him. This is what he used to come home and do everyday? Am I the cause of some of those cuts?

"I'm gonna fuck him up," I sighed and pulled my phone out to call metri and Omar.

"No just leave it, you're gonna make it worse," he sat up and grabbed my phone. He looked so tired. He didn't have on a shirt and I noticed he has new cuts on his stomach.

"Jah give me my fucken phone now," I sighed.

"You're gonna make it worse. I shouldn't even be talking to you," he shook his head. "Just go I don't want to see you anymore. Whatever we have, it's over," he cried.

"Jah please don't do this," I pleaded as my eyes teared up. "I don't care about no fucking bullies, I'm trying to help. And you're cutting again? Stop pushing me away and let me help," I pleaded.

"I don't want to be with you," he said. He wouldn't even look at me.

"Look me in my eyes and tell me that you don't want to be with me and I'll leave you alone forever. Look me in my eyes and tell me you don't love me, like I love you," I said as tears rolled down my cheeks.


I can't do that. Not without him knowing I'm lying. But Isaiah will only hurt me more. He's dangerous. He shot his last ex and cut her toes off. I couldn't handle it if he hurt Stokeley.

"That doesn't matter, it's for the best. No one knows so we can just pretend this never happened," I lied. That's going to be hard.

"No," he shook his head as tears poured out of his eyes. He rested his head in his hands and cried, " Jah I can't not wake up and Call you and see you everyday after school. Just hugging you makes me happy. We have something strong and special and you know that," he pleaded with me.

He reached and grabbed my hands. I tried to pull them away but he saw before I could hide. He saw the new cuts on my arms. Three more on my stomach, he saw all of it.

"Baby, I thought you stopped?" He questioned me.

"I did, just leave it. Go home, fuck a girl, I don't know just forget about me," I crossed my arms.

"I can't do that, I told you already I'm not going anywhere," he whimpered.

I looked up at him, making eye contact. And told the biggest lie I'd ever tell in my life, "I don't love you. This isn't real for me."

I saw his heart break through his eyes. It made me hate myself way more than I already do. He shook his head as tears rushed out of his eyes. He stood up and frowned.

Tears rushed out of my eyes, blurring my vision as I watched the love of my life walk away.


"You stupid piece of shit!" I yelled as I swung my fist as Stokeley's face. Omar grabbed and sat me down.

"Why did you do that?"  Deigo yelled at him.

"What are you talking about?" He said in almost a whisper.

"Jahseh has been so fucking depressed. And I know it's because of you cause Omar said you haven't been talking to you all fucking month! You hurt my brother you stupid Jamaican whore!" I yelled.

"He broke up with me," he said as tears welled in his eyes. He stood up just as Jahseh slugged over to our table. Jahseh saw him and his eyes teared up. He turned around and sat down with nick and taymor.

"See he won't even talk to me," Stokeley cried and walked out of the cafeteria.

God damnit.


I feel so stupid and hurt. I exposed myself to him. My body. My thought. My heart. My soul. And he gave up on me. Because of a bully.

It's been three whole weeks and some days and I can't eat or sleep. I miss him so much. I don't care about no bully, I want my boyfriend back.

I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch.

"Aye wassup nigga," speak of the devil.

I looked up to see Isaiah. It was like something snapped in me. I blacked out.

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