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It's been about one week since jay forgave me and we've been good. He's like my best friend now. He's always at my house or I'm at his. We don't do anything but do homework and watch Netflix or Hulu while we eat. His mom is there in the morning and makes him breakfast. I spent the night last weekend.

"Hey vro," I said as I walked into his room. I walked and he was shirtless. Only in his usual booty shorts. "Oh my bad."

"It's fine." He mumbled as he pulled his shirt on. I've never seen him without a hoodie on. I walked over to this bed and sat down next to him.

"Can you help me with the geometry homework?" I asked him.

"Yeah sure," he mumbled and nodded his head as he turned to face me. And that's when I noticed all the cuts and scars dancing across his wrists and arms.

I grabbed his wrist and looked at it. There are fresh cuts. He must have did those today. There are old ones that have faded. Scabbed ones. Scars. Just everywhere. "Jah why?" I asked.

"Doesn't matter just leave it," me mumbled and got up and went into his closet. He came back out wearing a hoodie. He sat back down on the bed. "So what do you need help with?"

I got the impression that he didn't want to talk about it so I'll leave it alone for right now, but he's going to have to talk to me eventually, " Uh questions three and eleven."

"Okay well this one is wrong too," he said as he scanned threw my paper. "Look it's like this." He opened his notebook and grabbed a pen, solving the math problem on the paper. "You understand?" He asked.

"Oh yeah thanks," I nodded my head and started on the rest of my homework. "Let's watch a movie." I said.

"Okay," he shrugged and turned his tv on. He put on white girl. "I don't know what this is but Gazzy said I should watch it."

[this movie is... something weird btw.. idk how tf or what tf... it's just.. yeah]

I leaned sat next to him and we both had our backs against the headboard while we watched the movie. Well he watched it and I was stuck in my head. Kimetrius came out to me today at school. He is with Deigo. He said he wanted to tell me first cause I'm his best friend. I don't have a problem with it. He said he thinks I might be gay too, or at least bisexual. And I won't lie I think I am. I just don't know how to come out.

"Jah can I ask you something?" I asked still facing the movie.

"Hmm?" He mumbled.

"How did you come out? Like to your mom and your friends and stuff?" I asked.

"Well I told my parents and my dad pretty much has been ignoring my existence since but it actually bought me and my ma closer. And all of my friends are gay so that wasn't a problem. Well all except for you," he shrugged still looking at the movie.

"But I think I'm gay, well bisexual I don't know exactly but I know that I'm attracted to both," I explained.

"Well congratulations welcome to the gay side," he chuckled.

"So you don't care?" I asked and instantly felt stupid for asking.

"Why would I care when I'm gay too. And it doesn't concern me, we aren't together," he shrugged.

"Yeah you're right," I nodded my head. I turned back to the movie right ass a sex Scene came on. Well I don't know if you could call it that. She just sucked that white bits dicks and then left. Must be nice.

I started hearing light snores and I looked over to see Jah's head resting on my shoulder as he fell asleep. He must be tired. He usually naps after school and then I came over but this time I guess I showed up before his nap.

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