<pre style="line-height: 17px; white-space: normal; color: #2a2a2a; font-size: 13px; text-align: start;">-Lily's POV
We walked into the first shop, River Island!
"You ok Mads?, you look down" I asked,
"Well I feel bad" she replied moving dresses along the rack
"About?" Paige ,Molly and I said in unison
-Maddie's POV
"Well me and Niall haven't done, that yet" I sighed " And I feel bad about not because Niall's done it before and I'm keeping him waiting" I looked up at the girls who were all listening contently
"Wow, I thought you'd done it ages ago! Has he said anything about it?" Molly asked,
"He did question why I didn't want to do it, but when I told him about the pain and him seeing me down there ya'no cause its embarrassing, and he just said when I'm ready!"
"Well I think your fine" Lily said picking up a heeled boot.
"But should I do it?" I questioned
"Well you know Niall will be gentle with you and you've been together 2 and a half years and I know you'll be together forever" Paige said.
"Well its up to you" Molly said
"Just be careful" Lily said
"Ok thanks girls"
"I'm going to get a dress I saw over there" I said
It was a adorable navy quarter sleeved skater dress with a belt.
Walking back to the girls I saw a grey hoodie I liked for Niall, some tan booties, a couple of sweaters and some leggings.
We payed and went through a few more shops, I looked at my watch, it was nearly 4pm, come on girls its time to meet the lads.
We walked to nandos and saw them through the window, walking up to them I saw Niall had saved me a space next to him.
"Hey you!" I giggled kissing him
"What did you buy?" he asked
"Erm a lot! I got you a present!"
"What is it what is it!!"
I handed him the hoodie and he had the biggest grin on his face,
"I've been eyeing this up on the website for days! Thanks babe!"
We ordered, I wasn't hungry and just had a Cola, and a few bites of Niall's peri peri chicken and his tomatoes.
When we finished I drove myself and the girls back to mine.
"Still thinking about the Niall thing?" Lily asked
"Yeah I am" I huffed
"Well do you want to have sex with him?"
"Yeah of course I do!" I replied
"Well what's stopping you?"
"Fear and self consciousness? And he's huge downstairs!" I said raising an eyebrow
"He'll be gentle, you know he will! And what have you got to be self concious about, your a size 6!"
"I don't know, he's never seen me completely starkers before! He's seen me in underwear but that's it"
"Don't worry about it! He loves you and you know that, is he pressuring you?"
"NO! I promise no he's not, he told me he'll wait until I'm ready!"
"Ok, just wait until you know your ready, in your heart and head" she said leaving the room.
I looked at my lock screen, it was Niall giving me the cheekiest grin ever, I adored that photo.
I went upstairs and got into one of Niall's onesies, it was big and cosy and smelt like him, I walked into the living room where Molly was sitting watching Desperate Housewives, her favourite show.
"I'm pretty sure you've watched all of these" I teased sitting down next to her
"At least three times each" she smiled
We watched the whole third, and half the 4th series, my phone vibrated on my knee, it was Niall, 'hello beautiful, hope your tummy cramps ease off! sorry i'm not there, but i've got to go into the studio with the lads early tomorrow anyway, i'm now off to bed so i thought i'd text the most beautiful girl in the world! love you-xxxxxxxxxx'
I smiled, and texted back ' aw you big cutie, ok its fine! i'm in your onesie anyway! :-P, i love you to night!-xxxxxxxxxxx'
"Niall?" Molly asked
"Yeah" I replied smiling
"You tired?" She asked
" Not really, shall I get my quilt and we can sleep down here and watch the rest of these?"
"Sounds like a plan, you get the quilt I'll get some stuff from the kitchen".
I wandered into my room, Niall's shirt from yesterday was sat on the floor, I picked it up and held it to my face and inhaled the scent of him deeply, smiling I folded it and put it on the bedside table before grabbing the quilt and taking it to the living room.
"Here" Molly said handing me a hot chocolate, she had a big bar of Milky Bar chocolate and a bigger bar of Galaxy Cookie Crumble.
"Thanks" I smiled putting the quilt over her lap,
I finished my hot chocolate and at least half a bar of each chocolate bar and soon fell asleep.</pre>

You belong with me, A one direction love story
FanfictionMaddie appears to have it all, good looks, riches, the perfect boyfriend and even her own flat which she shares with her friends, she has her fair share of secrets, secrets that could ruin everything. What could possibly go wrong?