------------ one month later -------------
-Louis' POV
"For gods sake!" Maddie groaned at her computer screen.
"Job search not going to well babe?" Niall asked
"No! I have to go back to uni or college" she whined
"Er Mads what kind of job are you looking for?" Molly asked sitting herself up in my lap.
"Fashion editor in magazines, that's all I'm qualified for" she replied
"Why don't you do a bit of work experience in the shop? Something to put on your CV" Molly suggested.
"Good idea Molls!" Maddie grinned smacking the lid of her laptop down
"Food" Harry shouted.
"You what?" Liam asked looking rather confused
"Where are we eating tonight?" Harry asked.
"Er I didn't know we were even eating out" Zayn stated
"I know it's sad but I've never been to Pizza Hut" Paige blushed
"Pizza Hut it is then!" Liam smiled.
"Ok! Come on chicka's we need to get dressed" Paige laughed jumping out of her seat next to Zayn, and looking at the 3 remaining girls who where all still in their pyjamas.
Paige led the way out of the living room and the girls followed, they weren't gone long before the little house phone in the middle of the coffee table started ringing.
Liam picked up and put it on loud speaker, the caller ID read 'Big daddy', our name for Simon.
"Hello boys" he bellowed, a couple of hi's, a hiya and two hellos were called out.
"Just wanted to tell you that your aloud to bring the girls on the world tour!" he said happily.
"Thanks daddy!" Harry laughed
"It's fine, just tell them soon it starts in 2 days remember! Goodbye" he shouted before hanging up.
"Told you it would work!" Liam beamed high fiving Niall and fist bumping me.
"Good shout mate" I nodded.
"Where are we going to first? Harry asked gulping down some of his water.
"Australia" Zayn yawned, I don't see why he complains about long haul flights he sleeps the whole way anyway!
"Nice!" Niall smiled.
"Do you think they'll come with us though?" Harry asked, he has a point I don't know if Molly and Paige will as they've got the responsibility of the shop, I'm sure they'll sort something out.
"I bloody well hope so!" Liam laughed
"Maddie will, she won't trust me on tour with out her again" Niall added scoffing a bag of Doritos.
"Well that's one out of the 4!" Zayn snorted in laughter
"Mine" Niall scowled
"Not if the other girls don't come" Harry winked
"Good luck" Niall mumbled
"What do you mean?" Harry questioned
"If I'm not getting any I don't think you will be" Niall gushed, how longs he been holding that in?
"I thought you did it already?" Zayn added
"No mate, got close but she panics and makes me stop" he sighed.
"Oh, why?" Liam asked scratching his head
"Er she's scared about the pain and me seeing her totally naked" he said biting his nails.
"You haven't seen her naked?!" Harry spluttered
Niall shook his head, and said "I don't mind if she doesn't want to do it, just stop making me think she does then change her mind ya'no"
"Yes mate I get you" Harry mumbled
Before anyone could ask the girls appeared at the door, all looking gorgeous I must say.
Molly was wearing a denim quarter sleeve dress and white Doc Martens.
Maddie was in black leggings, a navy Hollister sweatshirt and burgundy Converse.
Lily was wearing a red skater dress, a black blazer and nude heels.
Paige was in skinny jeans and a tight white cropped T shirt and navy Vans.
"Hotties" Harry smiled looking the girls up and down, earning himself punches off all the lads, including Zayn.
He can't deny that something is going on between them.
"Come on I'm excited!" Paige giggled beckoning everyone out the door.
We followed suit, bundling into the ca with Louis and Lily in the front.
"Can we do it tonight?" I whispered into Maddie's ear.
"Oh erm sure ok" she muttered back.
I kissed her forehead and turned back to continue my conversation with Louis.
-Maddie's POV
A mixture of worry and excitement hit me like a big yellow school bus.
A/N sorry about all the time gaps! What do you think about a Nouis fanfic? Tell me in the comments

You belong with me, A one direction love story
FanfictionMaddie appears to have it all, good looks, riches, the perfect boyfriend and even her own flat which she shares with her friends, she has her fair share of secrets, secrets that could ruin everything. What could possibly go wrong?