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guys go read the a/n about the book club bc i really wanna do this

There's a knock on the door during the end of 13 Going On 30. I honestly don't want to see anyone by the time we were at this stage. Liam went out and got me cookie dough ice cream and I've been half-heartedly eating it ever since. Harry's sweater was keeping me warm and the scent of it was the only thing keeping me from sobbing.

Louis got up to answer the door, stepping over a snoring Liam. When he opened the door, he backed up. Oh?

"You can't be here--what the heck--get out."

"I just want to talk to him, I know he's hurting."

"You're lying right through your own yellow teeth Malik."

"My teeth aren't yellow--"

"Maybe they aren't but Harry warned me about what you said--"

I got up and stood behind Louis, breaking their argument. Zayn stood at the front door and I couldn't help but be utterly surprised.

"Niall," Zayn said, "I just want five minutes. Please."

I pulled my sweater sleeves and fought my tears. I pushed past Louis and Zayn and went out the door.

"Really?" he asked, shocked.

I held up five fingers, indicating he had a time limit.

Reckless Soulmates [sequel to N.S.]Where stories live. Discover now