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"Just look right here and you can see all the fans' comments and stuff. They'll be asking you questions, so I have a whiteboard right here for you to use."

I nodded as Louis filled me in on the 411 for live streams.

New iMessage: what about hate?

"Ignore it. I get heaps of it every day. Just remember you're the better person for not hating back."

Louis was such a character to look up to. Really, he is. Although he's absolutely insane about One Direction and everything that involves them, the way he deals with what the world throws at him is admirable. Having Louis as a friend is great.

"Hey Niall, wanna spend the night? I dunno, kind of bored around here...all alone...without a loving boyfriend like you have..."

New iMessage: lou if you're trying to trick me don't bother. of course i'll spend the night with you. just lend me some clothes lol

"Yes! Now I can make you read punishment smut...or fluffy smut? Choices choices..."

I made a disgusted look and he laughed.

"Let's just start the live stream."

Louis pressed a couple keys and clicked a few things on the computer, and in seconds our faces were on his TV.

"I just hooked it up to the TV," he whispered, "The camera is still on the computer."

Louis placed his computer right in front of the TV, making it easier for us to see.

"Hi guys!"

Replies came in immediately. Some sending Louis some excited hi's and some asking why I was there.

"Well guys, this is Niall. The 'N' of Narry," Louis grinned, "He's here to answer some questions for us so everyone give him a thank you!"

I got more than enough thank you's as Louis continued.

"But guys," he continued, "I haven't mentioned this yet, but Niall is mute. Mute as in, he can't talk. His vocal chords have been cut off since he was born. He won't be talking, he'll be writing on this whiteboard."

Louis motioned the the whiteboard I was holding and I waved.

"So, let us begin!"

dedicated to: _FiveSecondsOfLife_

Reckless Soulmates [sequel to N.S.]Where stories live. Discover now