my book/fan club

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another author's note :( but i'd like you to read it.

i didn't do any dedications tonight but, i did come up with an amazing idea.

i notice how sometimes on rare occasions when authors make it big (not saying i am right now but hopefully one day) they forgot about their fans and the people that brought them there.

they stop interacting with them and talking to them and i hate that.

soo, i kind of made a book club/fan club tonight on tumblr. it's still somewhat in the works and i'm still working out a couple kinks, but it's made and it's available to check out:

the link is in my bio but:

tumblr: larrygayfxcks

it's just a blog where i can talk to you guys about anything. it can be about my books and one direction and general. and larry stylinson. i love larry and that is that.

i also kind of wanted it to be like, a book club. where you guys can send me fanfictions or one shots from wattpad or archive of our own and i could be like 'okay we're reading this next!' and we could read a chapter and i could do an open q&a and i would rEALLY LOVE THAT.

so go follow it please, i'll have more info up soon.

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