painting windows black

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( finn )

AU | based on bird box

REQUESTED | vinatgous


you couldn't remember how long you'd been crying alone. there wasn't a noise coming from outside, not even from the tv.

you were hiding under your bed, sobbing violently and wiping the hot tears from your face.

you couldn't understand what was going on.

you couldn't quite comprehend why everyone had to keep their eyes closed. what would they see if they opened them?

you didn't know. you were sure you had lost pretty much everyone, though.

you sobbed again, the fear of being alone shaking your body with violence.

you thought about your parents. both of them were out of the house. you closed your eyes, shaking your head with agonising pain. you hoped with your entire heart they kept their eyes shut, but deep down in your heart you knew they didn't.

about your friends... you didn't even know anymore. when you first heard about the mass suicides in europe and russia, (your friend's name) said it was all some bullshit created by the medias, and that you shouldn't fear keeping their eyes open.

by now, you were sure your friends followed y/f/n's example.

now the only hope your had was that your boyfriend finn was safe.

as the thought of your boyfriend invaded your mind, your phone rang. you closed your eyes shut and searched for your phone with your hands.

when you found it, you crawled back to your hiding spot and covered the chink with a blanket. then, you answered.

"baby, are you there?"

you put your hand on your mouth, another sob leaving your throat as you recognised your boyfriend finn's voice.


"finn i-" you replied weakly, his name leaving your lips with a sob.

"babe, listen to me." he cut you off. "do not open your eyes. don't you dare open your eyes. i can't lose y- fucking thing!"

"finn!" you cried. "are you okay?"

"yeah, i'm fine, i just tripped on a body, i think." he reassured. "listen, i'm around your neighbourhood. i may take long cos i'm wearing a blindfold and i can't see shit, but i'm-"

a cracking noise invaded your ears and you yelled his name.

"this fucking thing!" he groaned. "it's the second time it finds me, but don't worry, i can't see anything with the blindfold on. babe, i'm-"

"i love you." this time it was you to cut him off. the three words escaped your mouth shakingly.

this wasn't exactly the scenario finn had always imagined for you to drop the l word for the first time.

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