Chapter 22-Test me and Find out.

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Ohh fuck he just went there. OK then. I have the keys to Scott. I grab a pair of pants from my bag and put them on. Next is my Jacket and my wallet. My phone is last. I pull on my riding boots and before he knows what I am doing I am out of the truck and have the back of the trailer opened.
I slap on the light and have Scott unloaded with in five minutes fire him up and am gone. When I hit town I text Dell to let him know where I am. Tell him that I am safe. I find an all night diner and grab some food. I know I'm not going to sleep tonight with out the guys but Christian has to know that he cant fuck with me. Not on this.

I end up calling the president of the Savage runners who offers me a room. At least I know Scott is safe for the night. Getting drunk with his crew was not on my plan but it worked. There good guys. A little mouthy about a president with a cooter as they put it but shit happens. I pass out around three from a whole lot of drinks. Fuck I know I'm going to have a headache in the morning.

I am woke up by pounding on the door. I open it to find Blaze there. How sweet he found me. He barges in. Fuck it. Lets do this.

"what the fuck was that about?" he asks.

"That was about you trying to throw your dick around. I think you forgot about who I am" I inform him pointing to my cut. Kind of getting into his business, I wake up in his face because let's face it I'm shorter than him but I made my stature known however small it may be.

"Yeah a stubborn woman" his side mark doesn't bother me. I've been called far worse than stubborn, I'll even go as far as to admit that I am. Why lie.

"If that's all I am then why we fighting? You asked for my help and I gave it but I wont deal with disrespect. I am putting shit on the line here Blaze for your sister and she though it OK to treat me and my club like shit. On top of that she was disrespecting me on a personal level. I am no whore" I'll take the s*** about the club that I run. I'm used to that, but up until now I've never had to deal with s*** about who I'm sleeping with. Because the people who I surround myself with don't care.

" I get that but you need to calm down and not keep taking off" there's a little bit of desperation in his voice and I respect that. But this is our first really big fight. And it has to be delicate because it's not just the club that's involved this time. It's so much more.

"would you rather I hit her? Beat her ass like I would if I was home?" I inform him looking him in the eyes. Not backing down.

"No"he says shaking his head. I know he doesn't want that. I don't want that, but I'm willing to accept that in order to get this s*** to stop.

"so then what do you propose I do?" Honestly, what the hell am I supposed to do here. Hopefully he has some sort of answer because I just want to go back to f****** sleep.

"ignore her?"he tells me. Again I give him a moment to think that over.

"i wont deal with it. I just assume get back on my bike and ride back to Cali. At least were wanted there and I'm not treated like some tramp. Your the one that said you were okay with this. Remember. I gave you an out. You wanted this. Just as much as the other two guys did." And just as much as I do too. I didn't admit that part, because I'm angry but I do. I feel like this is what's right for us, but I'm not willing to give up who I am to make that part of me work.

"is that what you want to do?" he asks  advancing on me. You must think he's intimidating. Maybe just a little but I must have my secrets.

"No because it means leaving you but if that's what you want then ill go. I care for you Christian but I wont be where I'm not wanted. I did that till I was eighteen. Wont do that ever again"

"So what do you want me to do? I cant kick her out. She has no place." I don't want her homeless either. I just want her to shut her f****** mouth.

"So then remind her of her place because I wont come back till you do."

"Your really going to do this?" he asks in disbelief

"do what?" Because I don't feel like I'm doing anything other than ask for respect.

"Giving me an ultimatum?' he's kind of tilting his head at me, his eyes bright. But I'm not sure if it's with anger or total disbelief.

"It seems so. I have a place here with Grizz as long as I need it as well at the other three. You may have one too but I don't know. Not my problem. You allowed your sister to talk to me like that. You fix it. If it were my sister talking to you like that I would fix it being as you cant hit a woman. You don't want me to put her in her place trust me." It's an alternative. He may not like it but it stops the conflict. At least with the sister

"No I want you to talk to her." It's an ask, not a demand.

"the only thing I want to hear coming out of her mouth is sorry. After that I don't wanna hear shit. Not a word. Where is my truck?" I'm not finding a way to fix this. That's what I want to do. Fix it and get sleep. Coffee would be lovely as well.

"At my house"

"Good I'm going to call Dell to come pick me up I need my clothes." I tell him picking up my phone. Dell gets right back to me. He will be here in twenty. Good. Enough time for some coffee. I walk out of the room and slam the door leaving him inside.

After two cups of sweet light brew and an early morning ride I'm in a slightly better mood. That is until I walk into the house. I swear on my life I try to ignore Daria I do. I head up to get my laundry out of the bathroom. Dell and James fallow me. Were talking about what went down. They agree to go with me. I tell them about my hand. I was able to ride Scott OK but was a little tighter then I would like. They start to grab there stuff as well.

There is a knock on the door. Fuck. I open it and Daria is standing there. "Just wanted to make sure your not fucking them in my brothers bed" I see red. I pull back my fist and let her have it in the mouth then I close the door her body crumpling ti to the floor. I shake my hand and grab the rest of my shit. I'm done with this bitch. I'm pulling my club.

I get my shit to truck and let ConMan know what is going on. He tells us me is fallowing us. Just as were getting ready to leave Blaze pulls in. I get out of the truck and meet him.

"You really had to hit her?" he asks me. I'm sad I didn't not hit her more then once. Next time.

"just once. Maybe you should ask princess there what she said to me?"

He looks as her. He motions for her to come down.

"What did you say to her?"

She tells him proudly. God this woman is going to get her ass beat again.

I take a deep breath and remind myself that I am far from home and I do really care for Blaze.

"you said what to her?" He asks her kind of stunned

"you heard me. Just because your OK with her fucking all the men in her club and now Grizzes too doesn't mean I am" Those words barely leave her lips before I go around Blaze and grab her by the hair. The guys know better then to get in the middle. Blaze is too stunned.

"i thought the first hit was good enough to get your stupid ass to shut up. Consider this your final warning. I am not fucking anyone. Not even your brother. Even if I was it would be none of your fucking business." I raise her face up close to mine. I am taller so she is on her toes. "Do you see another club stepping up to come to your rescue? I don't think so. But mine did. Were all the way across the country to help you and you spit on us. Fuck you cunt. I'm pulling my club. Have fun. Wonder what color flower you want me to bring to your funeral" she pales. I let her drop and turn around and get in the truck and pull off. 

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