Chapter 29-Settling down?

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As I walk past Henry's room I hear sqeels. I knock and walk in. In the center of her room is two kids engulfed in ten pups. I spot my baby right off the bat but she ignores me. Doc comes over and sits down at my feet. I cant wait. I grab up Dells puppy and tell Henry I will be back. I walk into Dells room. James and Christian are in there. I hand Dell the puppy and tell him congrats. He looks stunned.

"I knew you liked him so we were keeping him and his two siblings. Plus Chris puppy. So were now a family of eight." I tell him. He grabs me and pulls me to him and rubbs my belly and tell me nine if he can help it. We have not had this conversation yet. Shit. I return the puppy to Henry and let her know that I'm going to get a kennel built soon. She agrees the sooner the better. There huge. Even Avalanche is huge. I'm guessing there going to be hundred fifty lb dogs.
Shit lol. I head to my room to unpack and get laundry sorted. I notice my room is clean and my bed Is made. Its nice to be back. I decide to take a soak in the tub for a bit. I'm tired. Just as I'm stepping in James comes in. He strips and gets in first. I climb in on top of him. He wraps his arm around me and we just chill.

"Are you mad that Dell proposed to me?" I ask.

"not at all. I knew it was coming. Dell is a traditionalist. I know I love you. I want you in my life. I'm secure. I will ask you when I'm ready. When you least expect it." He assures me. Kissing me ear.

"So what about Dells comment about a baby?" I ask.

"I'm not sure I'm ready for that today but that is something the four of us need to talk about. I'm not saying no I'm just saying that I would like to enjoy you on the back of my bike a bit more. I want to drive out to the grand canyon with you. Maybe to Canada. Go see some whales and shit. Cant do that while your preggers. Don't get me wrong the idea of your belly swelling with my kid makes me hard but I want some us time first. Maybe a year?" he tells me. I can hear the uncertainty in his voice.

"I understand. How many kids?" I want that too. I've had partners that I have snuggled with, but I've never really had a relationship. When I needed that stuff, I want to No or Con.

"two from me but they will all be ours. So what ever. Dna is just that. I'm going to love the kids no matter. I just hope they look like there hot mom. Your going to be a milf"

"No I'm going to be a mom you get to fuck. And often."I wiggle my ass just a little.

"I cant wait but its not all about that. Its about us." It is definitely about us. In this four way relationship each person has to have a relationship with every other person in order for it to work. The men have to get along just as well as I have to get along with them.

"James I love you. I'm glad to convinced me to give you a shot. I'm sorry for putting you threw shit. I was just scared"honesty is key here.

"you think I'm not. I'm just a twenty one year old man. You're a twenty six year old woman. Your ready to have kids and get married and what not. I'm ready to party a little bit explore. Sow my wild oats in your pussy. I want more adventures. I want to get to know us. Figure out what makes us tick. I'm still scared but my love for you out weighs that." This man must really care for me.

"fuck you make me sound old."and I'm really not.

"I'm sorry babe. Your not. Forgive me?"he wants me to forgive him but then he nibbles my neck. He does not play fair.

"only if you eat my pussy. I'm horny."and neither do i.

"i have been wanting to do that for a bit. Lets get you out of the water and I plan to feast"as he says that he rubs his chin, and those eyes just go dark.

Those were his last words. Christian and Dell found him right like that face full of pussy. They laughed. He made me cum on his tongue twice. I'm amazed. After he is done we get into bed. Well I get into my place. We agree to take turns. In who sleeps where. Its nice that way.

"so about your comment about the making Dell" I say. If the guys don't want to talk to each other about this. I'm going to make it happen. This is an important conversation.

"yeah I want you to have our baby" Dell tells me.

"I want kids too but when were you all thinking" I ask.

"A year" James speaks up and explains why.

"I would like to wait till after I'm patched" Christian says.

"so a year. Are you OK with that Dell"

"I am but not waiting a year to get inside you" He tells me grinding his hips into mine. I laugh. I know this.

We set a few other guidelines about dating and what not. We all want to take turns. Around midnight we fall asleep. Christian has to be up at six to start breakfast. Shit rolls down hill and he is at the bottom. I even picked his apron.

I wake up and after getting some breakfast I call the contractor and tell them its a go. We have to meet with them about the changes. At one were all at the spot. We put down some stakes to give an idea as to room sizes. Feet on paper means shit to me. Its easier this way.
We agree on six bedrooms plus a master with a attached nursery. Also a huge kitchen and family room. Garage and patio. We add a small in ground pool and office for Dell.
James asks for a gym so we add that. Christian asks for a hot tub and large shower and tub. He gets it. I cut him a check for half the cost not even batting an eye and its six figures.

When we get back to the club Dell tells me to be ready around six. Comfy clothes. I spend the next few hours sending our messages and what not. I do have a few people I have to deal with and I start looking into some new hires for the shelter.

We're also putting together this year's calendar. We always try to add the new ones that are going to stay. That kind of thing. Those that were adopted out, we even had a pawposal between two guinea pigs.

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