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November 19, 1965

Dear Diary,

Hi, it's me again, Cherry.My mother woke me up again because I slept through my alarm for the third time this week. Ive been incredibly tired the last few days. Bob and I talked for a whole two hours on the phone last night. We made plans to go see a movie tonight with Marsha and Randy. The movie we are going to see is some sort of beach movie, those are my favorites. Bob and Randy are going to pick Marsha and I up at my house tonight after their football game. Im supposed to be cheering at their game, but I'm behind on my school work.

Love Cherry.


When I finished writing in my diary I placed it back on the nightstand. Marsha, my vary best friend was lying on my bed blabbing her mouth to god knows what. " And Sarah was telling me all about what Randy was telling her and...Cherry....Cherry are you even listening to me.?"   "what, Sorry I was distracted" I said climbing onto the bed next to Marsha. " Your always distracted, the world doesn't only revolve around you, even if you say it does!" Marsha blurted out, I heard the annoyance in her voice. " Gee im sorry Marsha, I really didn't want to anger you. How bout we start getting ready, the boys will be here in thirty minutes." "Alright fine, Which sweater do you like better, the yellow or the pink?" "Pink" I said while looking through my closet.

I put on a baby blue sweater that my mother had gotten me for my birthday and a pair of pants because it starts to get cold in Tulsa early. Marsha brought a jacket because the theater we were going to only had outdoor seating. I tried to reason with her not to bring it since we would be in the car, but she ignored me.

The boys picked us up around 6 and drove us to the nightly double. After we parked in front of the movie screen, a few of our boyfriend's friend's filled up the car. I was a little disappointed because I thought it would just be the four of us instead of the six of us. Bob pulled out a hidden flask from his jacket pocket and started waving it around.

"Any of y'all want a shot. Cherry, Marsha?" Bob asked drinking a few sips then handing it of to his other friends. I rolled my eyes and looked and got out of the car. "Hey where do you think your going!" Bob shouted. "I told you im not going out with you when you're drunk!" We were causing a seen but I didn't care, I liked the attention. Marsha followed me out of the car. "Come on Marsha let go get seats."

We sat in the front row and started watching the movie in piece until some hood started saying nasty things to us. He brought me a coke and I through it right back at him. A few of his young looking friends joined us. They bother looked fourteen, young and innocent until one of their friends came along. He was older, loud, and not funny, even though he thinks he is. Marsha started hitting it of with him, so I decided to give them some privacy. I asked Pony-Something, or what ever his name was to come with me to get popcorn, so we could leave them to alone. The  concession stand had a  long line I started talking to pony and being the fake nice person personality you use around adults to talk to him.

After the movie the boys were walking us home until our boyfriends interfered. Bob wasn't in a good mood, so after he dropped Marsha and I off at my house, I knew he was looking for trouble. My parents weren't home, so if I had to guess it was probably eleven or so at night. After begging Marsha to help me find Bob and Randy she finally agreed."Cherry, I don't think we should split up, it dark and late, who knows who could be out there." "Don't be chicken Marsha come on. You take Preston and I'll take Main street."

I was walking alone with the occasional car coming by, but I felt as if someone was following me. I looked at my watch and it read even thirty p.m. I turned around again when I heard foot steps and was met with a cold sharp blade to the neck. The pain shot up immediately, and my vision started to darken.

How could I be getting murdered, only greasers get murdered this isn't fair. And as I took my last breath, a bright light filled the darkness of my eyes.

I woke up with a gasp. I was in my own room, my own bed. "honey time to get up. Cherry your already up, im surprised?" my mom said with a smile. This can't be just a dream, it felt so real. "Mom what's the date today?" I yelled. " Its the 19th" she responded through my closed door.

I grabbed my diary off of the nightstand and flipped to the last written on page.

November 19, 1965

Dear Diary,

Hi, it's me again, Cherry.

AN// First chapter, this book id going to be a lot like Groundhog Day! I love the idea of killing my most hated character ever over and over again. If you have any ideas on any murders let me know! I know its boring but I promise it gets better!

Love Dally

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