Chapter 12

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November 19, 1965

Dear Diary,

Hi, it's me again, Cherry. Well I heard my murders voice I think! It sounded like someone I know, but I can't put my finger on it. I was supposed to bring my personal thought  book, my diary to Ponyboy. I am a little nervous because what if he decides to look through it! All I want to do is get out of this time loop. Im sick of it, I don't know how much more I can take before I crack. So I guess wish me luck.

Love Cherry


When I woke up I grabbed my diary and stuck it in my bag. Earlier this morning pony had  called me to meet him before school in the library.  I kissed my mother good bye and continued off. My mind was everywhere while I was driving down the streets of Tulsa. "Who in the world could that person have been." I whispered to my self. The sky was illuminated by the pink and yellow colors  of the sunrise." How could a day be so beautiful but yet so depressing." I thought to my self as I pulled into the high school.

I grabbed my book bag and walked into the empty school. The halls were silent and echoed as my heals clicked every step I made to the library.  I Pushed the heavy brown doors open to reveal the emptiness of the library. There was an empty table at the back of the library where I sat down all of my things. With out hesitation I opened my diary to a random date and started to read to find answers. As I was reading the  pages, all I could hear was the pounding of my heart. I was desperate to find some kind of answers, or any kind of clue. "Find anything?" Pony asked causing me to nearly jump out of my seat. 'My lord Pony! Don't scare me like that ever again. And not yet." I said looking up from the diary.  Pony sat down in the wooden chair next to me. "Have any enemies'?" "Enemies?" I asked looking confused at him. "You know, like the people who really don't like ya. Or maybe you did something to them." Pony suggested looking at me strait in the eyes. "What kind of monster do you think I am! I am the president of our student council, Ive been prom queen every year, and Im head cheerleader!" Cherry said proudly, looking right back at him. "My point exactly!" Pony said rolling his eyes. "Don't take this the wrong way, but you do come across as self observed and sort of bratty." Pony said trying to act as nice as he possible could. Cherry turned red. She looked as if she would explode with anger. Pretty much nobody besides Cherry Valences actually liked Cherry Valence. She came across as flat out mean and just  bitchy! "Ponyboy Curtis, I should have you know, that people like me! People wish the were me. I am pretty, confident, and am well bread for your information!" Cherry said with anger in her voice. Pony gulped and looked down at his hands. Being around her just made him nervous.

Cherry looked through her Diary for ten more minutes, occasionally writing something down on a piece of paper before handing it to Pony.

Jessica Landon 

Evie Carter

Dallas Winston

Sandy Pitman

Marsha Harris

Pony looked at the list and back up at Cherry. "You can cross Dally of that list!" Pony said bringing his eyes back down to the paper. "Why, I through a coke at him the other night, or on the original November 19th. "Just trust me its not Dally." Pony said as Cherry rolled her eyes marking off his name. "So where did you get these certain people from?" Pony asked looking at Cherry in the eyes again. "Well Jessica was this girl from cheerleading. She would always put her things on top of mine, so one day after cheer practice, me and a few girls hid her cloths when she got in the shower. It was hilarious, you should have seen her run out in only a towel!" Pony looked at her with shock and discussed. "And Evie Carter?" He asked reading the names down the list. "Evie and I used to be real close till one day I caught her making out with my boyfriend. So I may of spread the rumor that she was knocked up by him and that's why me and Hank broke up. She was vary mad at that one." Cherry bragged laughing. "Sandy Pitman? Isn't that Soda's girlfriend?" Pony asked interested in what else she has done. "Yes, same Sandy. Me and a few friends were at a party and a few greaser girls showed up. Sandy started dancing with my friends boyfriend so I may of cut a small piece of her hair off." Cherry said proudly. "And this brings me to Marsha!" "Arnt you and Marsha buddies?" Pony asked cutting down the list of names. "Yes, but me and Marsha's relation ship isn't perfect. She jealous of me. The truth is, before I started dating Bob, Marsha had told me that she had a crush on him. And then the next week I started going with him." "You sound like a monster Cherry." Pony said listening to all the terrible things she's down to people. "And the say greasers arnt civilized." Pony said under his breath. "You two! get to class!" The librarian yelled walking into the library. The two gathered there things quickly walking out into the empty hallways. "Narrow down the list of people, Ill call you tonight." Pony said walking into a classroom. I nodded, wondering how I was going to find the courage to talk to those four names agin!

AN// I finally updated! I am so sorry for the wait, but I hope you liked it.

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