Chapter 5

56 13 28

November 19, 1965

Dear Diary,

Hi, it's me again, Cherry. I woke up again all spooked, but I think I'm getting more used to it. Yesterday I was killed in a car wreck with Ponyboy. Pony told me that he wasn't dyeing. I envy him. Its not fair that I have to expect a sneak attack where all he does is fall asleep. I don't want to go to school today. Since everything  is the same, there nothing new or exciting happening. Gosh I wish this day would end.

Love Cherry


I woke up in my bed again, no surprise there. I really didn't feel like going to school, but I needed to get out of the house or my mother would be suspicious. As I was getting dressed, I began thinking about my family. How did they feel after I died? Did they miss me, or cry? I shrugged it off and started off to school without breakfast.

When I was driving to school, I saw Pony walking with a few of his buddied or gang, whatever he calls it.

I pulled over my car to drive up next to them. "Ponyboy" I said out window. He looked up at me and his ears got all red. I motioned him to come over to the car and his friends started hooting and hollering. "Pony got a girlfriend" the one in the Micky mouse shirt commented. "Isn't she a little old for ya pone?" another one said. "For heaven sakes shut your traps" I yelled over the three other boys. 

"get in." I said unlocking the door for him. he got into the passenger seat and I took off. "Where are we going, we got school ya know?" "Stop worrying we can go tomorrow anyways" I said going faster then I usually go. Now that I am pretty much invincible, Ive been driving more dangerously. I am not afraid of crashing anymore or really anything. 

"you arnt going to kill me again right?" Pony asked with a smile. "Not intensionally" I said pressing the gas further with my foot. 

When we got to the edge of town I put my car in park and looked at pony. "Wow I haven't done anything like that in... in.. forever" I said leaning back into my seat. "Ya that was fun. You know if it wasn't for all your money and stuff, I bet you would be a greaser." "Don't be silly I could never be a greaser" I said looking at pony shocked. he shrugged and looked out the window. "Do you think were the only people stuck in this loop?" I asked pony. "Well it is us and your murderer at least." I sighed, "well we better start heading back, Im pretty hungry and low on gas. 

As we were driving back, we made non important small talk till I pulled over at the DX. "Here you go by us some cokes or something and ill get the gas." I handed pony ten dollars and we both go out of the car. 

I put the pump in the tank and started to fill the car. Without thinking I turned on the engine. The car exploded. I could feel my flesh being burned off. my screams were the only thing could be heard. The sounds of ambulances filled the air. Then dark, again. 

To be fair I didn't get murdered this time. This was the most painful, and dumbest way this could of happened. 

then I woke up but kept my eyes closed. And for the first time in five days of all of this, I cried.

AN// Whats up everyone. I love talking to all of y'all, so don't be afraid to comment. I promise im actually a really nice person. So if your ever board Message me and I promise i'll talk. Wether about the wether,  murder or even just about life in general.

Love Dally 

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