Chapter 7

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November 19, 1965

Dear Diary,

Hi, it's me again, Cherry. Well the good new about yesterday is I found out more about my killer. It a she! I know it doesn't seem like much, but this narrows down my options to only girls. She was about as tall as me, but I didn't see her face because she blasted out my brains before I could. Golly this is exciting. This is the best thing that has happened over these last seven days! Another new thing that happened yesterday, is that my parent found out about Bob. Bob was murdered before me. I out lived Bob! Today I am in a better mood and am going to go to school. I never thought I'd say this, but thank God I was murdered.

Love cherry


I woke up and I was happy. I was happy that I got one step closer to ending this, or well maybe ending this, if Pony and I are right. This morning I got dressed quickly and got to school early. I went back to my usual of talking to all my friends and collecting the gossip. When I got to my locker I saw Marsha talking to all the girls. "Hi Marsha" I said while putting my books away. "are you excited for the movie tonight" she said turning her attention to me. "about that, Im so sorry. I completely forgot about it and made plans with my mother" I said lying to her. "Really cherry? I can't believe this!" Marsha said storming off. She'll be ok I thought in my head. Besides ill have a reset for tomorrow. I smiled at my self and went to my first class.

My classes were all easy because I've already done them six times. I hardly had to pay any attention.

When the bell rang for lunch, I walked out side to meet Bob, Randy, Marsha if she forgave me already, and some other of the popular Soc's. I saw pony walk out of school with his friends and he wave at me. I pretended not to see him and focussed back into the conversation. "You excited for to night?" Bob said putting his arm around me. "well I accidentally made plans with my cousins tonight, Im sorry." I answered. "I thought you made plans with your Mother?", Marsha said correcting my lie. "well, my family is in town, and my mother asked my if I could have dinner with them." I said as I acted as if nothing has happened.

When I got home my mother wasn't in the living room. Thats odd I thought to my self. I checked her bedroom, the backyard and kitchen to no result. I shrugged it off and went up the stairs to my room. "Mother, what are you doing" I said standing in the door way of my room. "Um nothing." she said turning around. "Why are you reading my diary!, Thats personal. What the hell!" "First of all you do not use that kind of language with me dear and second you seem so unhappy all the time." Then I remembered the day before this, the 18, my mother and I had a bad fight. "why are you writing this date over and over again. Do I need to take you to a doctor?" my mom asked. "O my God, why in the world would you read my diary!"I screamed and ran down the stairs.

My mother chased after me. where is my murderer when I need her the most. I ran to kitchen and pulled out a steak knife."Honey what are you doing?" my mother asked concerned. "You asked for it" I smiled and stabbed my self in the throat. I felt the blood gush down my neck. My Mother screamed. And darkness filled my eyes.

I woke up agin in bed and laughed.
Then I immediately put my diary under my bed instead of the night stand.

AN// susiside is never the answer! So don't do it. It is not the easy way out! If you ever need to talk you can always message me. Well anyways this was pretty gory. What are your thoughts idea, dreams, let me know.

Love Dally

Special thanks to @Bright-Shine for the idea for this chapter!

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