12~ Secrets

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Sasha's POV

"Shh!" I shush Becky as we quietly tiptoe through Finns front yard.

"No we're okay he left a half hour ago." Becky says

"His parents didn't though." I say and she nods.

It's the next night since we decided on this whole crazy plan and now here we are looking like complete psychos as we're dressed in all black clothing and tiptoeing through someone's lawn.

"I'm pretty sure his laptop would be in his bedroom." Becky says as we look up to the second story of the house.

"So eh, how are we gonna climb that?" I ask and she sighs.

Becky begins to climb up the tree that was near his window and I stared at her blankly.

"I'm going to break a bone." I say and she shakes her head.

"No come on you got this." She says

"You're going to pay the medical bills." I say as I begin to climb.

"Dude that's a big jump." I say nervously.

"No it's just like four feet come on if I can make it so can you. I'll catch you." She says and I take a deep breath before jumping, landing on Becky.

"S-Sorry." I mumble as our faces are incredibly close once again.

Her gaze lifts from my lips up to meet my eyes, "It's okay. Come on let's be quick." She says as we get up and carefully walk to his window.

"What if it's closed and locked?" I nervously ask

"It's Finn, don't get wild. He isn't a responsible guy." Becky says and just as she says it she slid the window up .

I go in first and frown as I see a bunch of pictures of Bayley all throughout his room.

"Wow it's only been a few weeks." Becky mumbles, shocked by all the pictures as well.

"It's not what we came here for, do you see his laptop?" I ask while looking around, not seeing it.

"No." She says

"He must've hid it then or maybe he took it with him?" I say

"Maybe." She mumbles, "But let's just keep looking." She says and I nod as I look in small corners and under his bed.

"What the hell where would he put it?" Becky asks after we search almost everything in his room.

"Did you check his desk?" I ask

"Yes but there wasn't anything." She says and I sigh, walking over to it. I pull out the cabinet to reveal nothing much except some paper and a few pencils.

"Wait what's that?" Becky points out and I look at the drawer cluelessly.

"What's what?" I ask and Becky pulls the entire drawer out, then there it was.

"Holy shit why does he have it so hidden?" I mumble as I grab the laptop.

"Guess he has some really juicy stuff on there then." Becky says as we sit down and open his laptop.

"A password, of course." I say and hum, "What do you think he would put his password as?" I ask

"Uh I'm not sure, what does he like?" We continuously try to guess what the password is, each time the laptop saying incorrect.

"There has to be some kind of clue in here." I say as I look around his room.

"Oh! Try Bayley!" Becky says and I quickly type the name, incorrect.

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