15 ~Angry Psycho

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Sasha's POV

It's been a few days since Bayley found out the truth about Finn. We've been spending the last few days trying to decide how to do this.

Clearly he's going to be beyond angry and he's clearly not okay and I don't want to risk anything bad happening with Bayley.

"Okay Bails, you ready?" I ask as I adjust the tiny camera that's hidden in her hair.

"Not really." She says as she gulps nervously.

I send her a reassuring smile.

"We're not gonna let anything happen to you." I say

"I trust you guys, thank you." She says

"Did you send him the message?" Becky asks

"Y-Yeah. He's mad." She says and shows me the texts.

"Alright we're here. Remember that we're gonna be right outside just in case." I say as she gets out the car.

She takes a deep breath before entering his house.

Bayley's POV

"Hey babe." Finn says and I find it difficult to look him in the eye.

He's been stalking me for years..

"We need to talk.." I mumble but the boy walks up to me and pecks my lips, try's to. I move my head and his lips land on my cheek. I instantly feel like barfing.

I see the vein in his neck slowly become more visible as his jaw clenches, "I made us some dinner. Sit down." He says as he pulls the chair out.

"N-No Finn." I say and he shoves the chair away.

"Come on I cooked." He says

"I w- I uh..erm-I wanna break..I wanna break up." I say in a quiet and nervous voice.

"Let's eat then we can go watch a movie." He says ignoring what I just said.

Is he deaf?

"Finn..I wanna break up." I say in a more clear and loud voice this time. His hand grabs the glass cup besides him as he grips it tightly.

"Let's eat." He says in a dark tone.

"Goodbye Finn." I say and try to leave his house but the glass cup is thrown at the door.

"Your not going anywhere." He growls as I am quickly pinned against the wall.

Sasha POV

"Shit, we need to stop him." Becky says

"No he's stronger than us, he'll just hurt us.

I quickly dial 911 and tell them about the situation.

"Please hurry." I tell the operator before hanging up.

Bayley's POV

I fall down to the floor as he slaps me

"Your not fucking leaving me. We're gonna be together." He says as he grabs my hair and throws me onto the couch.

"F-Finn please stop." I cry out as he pushes me down.

"What do you want? Hmm? Me?" He says with a sadistic smirk as he unbuckles his belt.

"Stop! Help!" I scream out but his hand tightly wraps around my throat and I feel myself slowly fade away.

Sasha's POV

"Where are they! No we need to do something!" I shout

"They're almost here." Becky says

I Love(d) You (G x G) COMPLETE ✔️💯Where stories live. Discover now