Chapter One

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Christine's POV
"With feasting and dancing and song tonight in celebration. We greet the victorious throng returned to bring salvation" I sung while I tried to remember the steps to the dance. I looked at my friend Meg who was dancing beside me. She knew the dance better than I did. Dancing came to naturally to her but not to me.

"The trumpets of Carthage resound, hear Romans now and tremble. Hark to our step on the ground hear the drums, Hannibal comes".

We stopped singing as Piangi stepped on stage. He was an Italian man with a loud voice. A great singer but had very bad English for someone who was a lead in an English musical. We were performing Hannibal and it opened tonight. It was a modern take on the old opera of the same name. I didn't even know why we were doing this show. Nobody comes to Broadway to see a boring old show like Hannibal, everyone wants to see popular and interesting shows like Les Miserables, wicked or Hamilton. They want to see something they can brag to their friends about seeing when they get home. I just prayed these months of practice wouldn't be for nothing.

"Sad to return to find the land we love threatened once more by Roma's far-reaching grasp..." Piangi Sung before getting cut off by Reyer, the musical director.
"No, no, no, no! Do we have to go through this again? It is Rome. R-o-m-e. Not 'Roma'. Rome, Rome, Rome!" He shouted.

"It is hard for me to say Rome!" Piangi shouted back.

All the Chorus members groaned. This is the 100th time Piangi and Reyer had this argument. "Would he just get on with it?" I whispered to Meg making her laugh.
"No talking" we heard Miss Giry, who was Megs mum, hiss at us as she gave us a stern look.

While Piangi still struggled to say Rome correctly, I noticed Mr Lefevre, the man who owned the theatre and who was in change of theatre company, walk in followed by two men.

"As you can see we are in process of rehearsing for the new production of Hannibal" he said to them.
"Ah very-" one of the men started to speak.

"Excuse me!" A very stressed Reyer said to the men "Were in the middle of a very important rehearsal we don't have time to be interrupted!"

"Hello Everyone!" Mr Lefevre said ignoring Reyer completely "if I could have your attention, thank you. As you know, for some weeks there have been rumors of my imminent retirement. I can now tell you that these are all true! And I would like to introduce the men that will be replacing me as owner, Richard Firmin and Gilles Andre. I'm sure you have read of their recent fortune in the Junk business".

"Scrap Metal actually" Andre Muttered.

"And were happy to announce our new patron Raoul Chagny" Firman cheered.

"I know him!" I whispered excitedly to Meg "When I was younger he used to live near my father and I. He used to call me 'Little Lotte' I doubt he remembers me now though".

"He will be attending the show tonight so he better be impressed at what he sees!" Firman said "So we will let you get back to rehearsal".

"Ahem!" Carlotta said loudly. She was the leading Soprano in the show and was extremely over dramatic.
"Ah yes" Lefevre said "Gentlemen, this is Lady Carlotta, our leading Soprano for over three productions now".

"Of course I know who she is" Andre said kissing her hand "You're a beautiful singer, and I cannot wait until I hear you sing tonight".
"Why wait for tonight. I will sing right now!" She exclaimed.
"Carlotta we have to rehearse this scene-".
"I will sing right now!" She screamed "Clear the stage!".

We all pushed out of her way giving her enough space to sing.
The music began to play and Carlotta began singing "Think of me, think of me fondly when we've said goodbye.
Remember me, once in a while please promise me you'll try. When you find, that once again you long to take your-".

Suddenly a sandbag fell from the rafters above the stage making everyone scream. Carlotta looked as if she was shot even though the sandbag didn't touch her.

"It was the Phantom!" Meg screamed. The stage erupted into panic.

"The phantom..what?" Firman yelled "Nonsense!".

"It seems the Theatre Ghost has left a note" Miss Giry said picking up a piece of paper that fell with the sandbag. She quickly skimmed through the note and began speaking again. "He simply welcomes you to his theatre, requests that you keep box five empty for his use and wants to let you know that he expects his salary soon".
"Salary? What Salary?" Firman asked "This is foolishness. Carlotta are you alright?".

"I almost died!" Carlotta gasped.
"Please Calm down" Andre said "These things do happen".

Carlotta looked at Andre as if he had just said the most insulting thing ever.

"This will be good" I thought.

"For the past three years these things do happen and do you stop them from happening? NO!" Carlotta screamed at Lefevre. Turning to Andre and Firman she said "And you two, you are as bad as him. 'These things do happen'. Until you stop these things from happening, this thing does not happen! I am out of here. Fetch my things!".

Carlotta stormed off stage despite Andre and Firmans pleas for her to return.

"Well I think that's everything" Lefevre said "Heres the keys!". He threw the keys into Firmans hands. "If you need me, I will be far from New York enjoying my retirement".

Lefevre walked away leaving Andre and Firmin speechless.

"This is a disaster!" Reyer groaned "Everybody take five!".
"Who is the understudy?" I heard Andre ask as I began walking off stage with the others.
"There is none" Reyer said through gritted teeth.

"Christine can sing it!" Meg suddenly said grabbing my arm.
"Oh no I-" I stuttered.
"Shes been taught by an excellent tutor!" Meg spoke.
"Who is this tutor?" Andre asked.
"I-I dont know".

"Just let her sing" Miss Giry spoke.
"I dont even know the lyrics its useless" I spoke.

I was pulled into the middle of the stage by Meg and the music began playing.
"Th- think of me" I sung nervously "Think of me fondly when we've said goodbye".

I was tempted to run off the stage but the look Miss Giry was giving me kept me frozen in place.
"Remember me once in a while please promise me you'll try" I sung slowly becoming more confident.

By the end of the song I was actually enjoying singing it. I was dancing around the stage and everything.
When I was finished I recieved a round of applause from the new managers, Meg, Miss Giry and even a few people standing in the wings.

"We've found our replacement!" Andre cheered.
"Maybe tonight won't be completely terrible" Firman grinned.

"Come on Christine, we must get you ready".

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