Etherious Fire-Lightning Demon-Dragon

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"Here," Natsu said, handing Lucy the book of END. "If you use that magic spell I told you about, then both END and Zeref will die."

Lucy nodded, bringing the book book to the group of hand picked wizards; Levy, Freed, and the other Dragon slayers.

Natsu walked outside the guild ad they prepared the spell.

The city was evacuated, everyone expected a big showdown when Zeref came to stop them from killing END, and fled so they wouldn't be caught in the crossfire.

It's not like they had any other choice. The city has been crushed when Agnologia visited.

A familiar scent brushed his nose.

"Speak of the devil," Natsu grumbled, as he picked up the far off sounds of wing beats.

Acnologia had come again.

And this time, Natsu was ready.

"Etherious fire-lightning demon-dragon mode," he whispered, flinching at the words. They seemed to laugh at him, jeering that he wasn't normal. That he wasnt even human.

Natsu bit his tongue as he turned into his etherious demon form.

His teeth grew longer, into fangs. His eyes grew sharper, sharper than a dragon's. Enormous red scales wings unfurled. Horns sprouted from his head, just peeking out of his pink hair, which was standing on end.

Scales grew over top his skin in small patches. Nails turned into claws, and every muscle in his body strengthened tenfold.

He tested his wings, then shot into the air, ready to meet Acnologia.

They fought. Natsu drew the dragon away from the city, but just barely.

They clashed. Natsu was stronger now. He could probably take a small dragon in his human form. But Agnologia was no small dragon. And there was a reason he was the king of his race.

Because he was the strongest.

But Natsu was stronger.

He flew around, landing blows then dodging before Agnologia could catch him.


Fire spiraled from his mouth, mixing with the lightning to make a huge attack.

Acnologia roared, and smacked Natsu away with his tail.

Natsu crossed his arms, out of habit, to block the blow, his wings wrapping defensively around himself.

He landed on his feet, skidding backwards a few yards.

His wings snapped open, and he regained his balance.

"Na-Natsu?" Came a shaky voice behind him.

He jumped, not expecting to hear anyone, and glanced behind him. Lucy was standing there, the Book clutched against her chest. On the Book was an open letter.

"You shouldn't be here." Natsu said, his voice sounding deeper and more like a dragon's growl.

His eyes flicked to each of the people with Lucy. His heart sank to the pit of his stomach. Gray, Juvia, Laxus, Erza, Gramps, Cana, Romeo, Mira, Elfman, Freed, Gajeel, Wendy, Lizana... Lucy. Even Sting and Rogue were there.

He never wanted them to see this.

He never wanted them to see him like this

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