His Letter

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Lucy watched Natsu walk out of the guild.

She walked over to her friends.

"Natsu's been acting weird. Have you noticed? Or is it just me?"

"Naw, I noticed it to, Lucy." Sting said. "He hasn't smiled at all. And when I challenged him to a battle, he actually DECLINED! Something's up with him."

"I was thinking about investigating," Lucy continued.

Everyone nodded.

"Why don't we check his room? There might be a clue there." Master said.

"Good idea, Gramps," Levy said. "He moved in here after his house was destroyed."

"Well, let's hurry. I want END dead." Gray grumbled.

They ran up to Natsu's room. It was neat enough, and very bare. His bed was made, and nothing was out of place.

Of course, that was practically blaring warning bells. Natsu was never neat. Ever.

"What's this?" Lucy said. A crisp white letter lay in the windowsill, Natsu's scarf folded next to it.

Everyone gathered round her as she read aloud.

"'Lucy, if you are reading this, I'm probably dead. Not surprising, honestly, with all the trouble I get into... Anyway, there was a few things I need to tell you.

"'First, I knew Agnologia would come again, to get the Book of END. And I intend to stop him. Don't worry too much, I'll be careful. I mean, I'm almost positive I'm going to die in the process, but I'll stick around until the very end!

"'Second thing, I really, really, really like you, Luce. I've tried to see if you like me back, but honestly I'm stumped. Girls are too confusing. Anyway, if you don't like me, disregard that part. If you do... Dang, Luce, you gotta learn how to let a guy know! Y'all're confusing.   -.- Anyway, I know it's really crummy, confessing through letter, but I was too nervous to tell you in person. And... if I'm dead, and you DO like me, I'm sorry!

"'Ok, third thing, in case you forgot/didn't know, the Book of END can't be burned. And you must never, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES open it. Ever. To destroy it, you must use that spell I told you about earlier.

"By the time you've finished, Acnologia will have left or died.

"'Then, finally, I have a small hoard of jewel under my house. I'll leave another letter there, with Happy.

"'You are now the owner of my property (I have left the deed with Happy, it shows a map of the land), and the jewel under my house. Or what's left of it... There should be about... 100,000,000,000 jewel. (In case you thought you didn't read it right, yes. You have one hundred billion jewel.) If you are reading this out loud to everyone in the guild, DON'T EVEN THINK OF TAKING THE JEWEL, GRAMPS! All of my belongings, (again, have Happy help you find it all) are now Lucy's. As is Happy. I've talked to him, and he agrees that Lucy should be his new caretaker.

"'And, yes, I know taking on Acnologia is stupid and suicidal, but I have a trump card to defeat him. I'm not telling what it is.

"'I'll miss you all! Just promise me one thing; don't cry to much, ok? And Lucy, please keep my scarf safe. It it's an old heirloom. It was made for Igneel, out of the scales of his mate when she was killed by Acnologia, knitted by Anna Heartfilia. Your great great grandmother. Who just so happened to be a dragon slayer. (Her mom was Igneel's mate, Celeste. The only Celestial Dragon.) The irony, right?

"'The scarf has the ability to protect the owner from evil spells, and has a special property that only a celestial wizard can use.

"'I heard about Aquarius... And you should know, when you scarf if is in your possession, you can use it to heal your key.

"'I guess It's my way to say sorry after leaving you alone right after losing your spirit. It was a dumb move.

"Remember me when you wear it, ok? I really wish I could have called you Lucy Dragneel, even just once. So, Lucy Heartfilia, goodbye, forever.

"'-Natsu Dragneel.'"

Her hands trembled and everyone stared at the paper.

"Lulu?" Levy said cautiously. "Are you ok-"

"THAT STUPID DRAGON HEADED SOUP-FOR-BRAINS IDIOT!" Lucy exploded, racing down the stairs with surprising speed and agility- considering she was in 6" heels- and out to the battlefield, her friends on her tail.

Acnologia roared in the sky, hitting a small, dragon-like thing toward them. The thing's wings formed a protective shell towards any more attacks as it fell backwards towards the earth.

It skidded backwards, leaving deep ruts in the ground, before slowing to a stop.

It came to a stop right in front of them, it's wings snapping open, ready to take off.

A familiar mop of pink hair could be seen on the its head.

"Na-Natsu?" She said shakily. Is this what he meant by trump card? Did he turn into a dragon? Is that why he was throwing away his life? So he wouldn't become another Acnologia?

He started, looking over his shoulder.

"You shouldn't be here." He said. His voice was deep, like a growling dragon.

Yay! Part 2 is out!

Hope y'all enjoyed it, cya next time!

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Hime out~

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