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I'm back!!
Sorry, I know it's been a while....
I just started second semester of my freshman year in high school, and it's kinda stressful ^~^

"One more thing," Lucy said, standing on her tippy toes so she could look him in the eye.

She pushed her lips against his. "Come back safely, Natsu. Then you can call me Lucy Dragneel whenever you want." She whispered.

He rested his forehead on hers, smiling sadly. "I will do my best, Miss Lucy Dragneel." He relied, wrapping his scarf around her neck.

He flew back up to a surprised Acnologia, continuing his attacks.

Flashes of magic lit up the sky, fire and lighting vs blue-white energy beams.

They started the long ritual to destroy the Book.


Natsu flew around, attacking with all his might, until at last, Acnologia fell to the earth, dead.

Natsu flew down to the ground, to check on the ritual.

"Almost done," was what Levy said. "It's harder than it seemed, but it should be done in less than 10 minutes."

"Is that so?" Came a voice behind them. Everyone turned.

It was Zeref.

"Everyone, steady back," Natsu warned, his wings flaring out. "Don't go within 5 feet of him, or you'll get caught in his curse."

"Curse?" They questioned.

Natsu mentally yelled at himself. They didn't know about his curse.

Oh well.

"The curse of Ankhseram," Natsu said. "It... I'm bad at explaining it. Hey, Mavis!"

The ghost of Mavis flickered into existence. "Oh, hi, Natsu!"

"Do me a quick favor, would you? Can you explain the curse of Ankhseram to everyone? I really suck at explaining it."

She smiled. "Sure thing, Nii san!"

Before anyone could question her choice of words (Nii san means brother) she burst into explanation.

"Ok, so about 400 years ago, Zeref was a child. He and his family lived during the dragon's civil war. As you know, the dragons were arguing over coexisting with or eradicating humans. His family was killed during an attack, including his mom, dad, and little brother. He was the only survivor.

"Greatly saddened at the death of his brother, he used a magic spell to preserve his brothers body. He then searched for reviving spells. He tested the R system, summoning, and plenty other magics. Finally, he found one. He summoned the god Ankhseram, and forced him to revive his brother.

"Ankhseram was furious. He cursed Zeref with the curse of Ankhseram. The more compassion he has for life, the more death energy he radiates, and vise versa.

"The curse makes him unable to die or age. So, after years of accidentally killing people, he moved to a place no human life would ever be endangered. Tenrou island. My old home. Actually, I was the one who told him to go there."

There was a collective gasp.

"It was my way of saying thanks." She continued.

"Thanks for what?" Everyone questioned.

"Thanks for teaching me magic. The only reason the Fairy Tail guild exists is because Zeref taught me and my friends magic, so we could defeat Blue Skull.

"So I let him stay on Tenrou island. But he still could not control  the death magic, killing the plants and animals all around him.

"So he created his demons, hoping one would be powerful enough to kill him. None were. Then he made END, his supposedly most powerful demon. But END got locked in his book, and sealed with magic. That's why he's been trying to get the Book." Mavis said, matter of factly.

"So, wait, what happened to the brother?" Lucy asked.

Mavis was silent. Then she said, "I'm not supposed to say." She rocked on the balls of her feet. "He asked me not to ever tell, even after he was dead. He'll tell you if he wants to."

"You mean he's still alive?" Lucy asked, making Mavis squeak.

"I shouldn't've said that! Bad Mavis, you promised!" She said, mostly to herself.

Lucy shrugged. "Well, whatever. The ritual is almost done."

"NO!" Zeref yelled. "Complete the that ritual, and Natsu dies!"

Everyone stopped, and looked. Natsu was unconscious, being held up by the root if his hair.

All of his inhuman body parts vanished, first his wings, then his claws, and horns and tail, until he was just Natsu.

"Natsu!" Lucy yelled. "If you hurt him, I'll KILL you!" She threatened.

"Give me the Book. And I'll give back your friend." Zeref bargained.

Immediately, Lucy grabbed the book, ready to hand out over.

"Woa, woa, woa, Lucy, we can't give back the Book! It's our ticket to killing END!" Gray said, grabbing Lucy's wrist.

Lucy paused, then gave him a look so terrifying, he almost hid behind Erza.

"I. Don't. Care." She hissed. "END will have to wait, because right now, Natsu. Is. In. Danger. He saved our lives, taking a direct hit from Acnologia! We are not going to let him die, especially when the only thing we need to pay is a book that will kill Zeref. So I am going to pay that price. Just try and stop me." She seethed.

Everyone, terrified, got well out of her way. Even Erza looked scared.

She walked out, until she was five feet away from the dark wizard.

"Set Natsu down right there, then back up so I can get him. I will leave the Book." She called out to him.

Zeref considered. "No. There is a high probability that you will keep the Book as soon as you get him, so you will have to put the Book down so I can get it, then I will give you your friend."

"Same problem, Zeref. How do we know you won't cheat?"

Zeref was silent.

Lucy thought. Then an evil grin crossed her face. "Say..." She said, "we've been told not to open this book... It would probably end in something terrible, wouldn't it?"

Zeref stilled, his eyes wide. "You wouldn't dare..." He whispered.

Lucy grinned. "Oh, but I would," she said. "Give us Natsu. Then you get your book, unopened and safe. Otherwise..." She moved her hand over the cover of the book, toying with the edge, ready to open it.

"Alright! Alright! I will leave Natsu here.Then you leave the Book."


Zeref set down Natsu, then carefully backed up.one he was out of the 5 foot range, he called out, "Get your friend. Then leave the Book."

As soon as Natsu was away from Zeref, Lucy dropped the Book, and ran to Natsu.

She rushed over, holding him in her arms crying with happiness that he was alive.

Everyone else was not so happy.

The Book had fallen to the ground, and opened to the first page.

Dun dun duuuuun!

Sorry for the cliff hanger, I'll try to update sooner.

Like comment and share!

And don't forget to read my other works!

Hime signing off~

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