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Eyyyy I was tagged! Thanks, @xxNekuxx !!

Go read his stories, they're really good!

My personal favorites are Secret Code and Some Dreams

Anyway,,, back to the tag!

Ok, so I've never done this sooooo….

10 things about me!

I have 2 middle names, Cyrene and Ashton.

I'm home schooled

Yay high school! I'm a freshman rt now, it's not fun

Ummmm idk, I'm blonde?

I'm a girl

I like doing digital art

I love anime. Comment your favorite anime(s)!!

Music! I like rock. And metal. And pop.

I collect pens.

I don't like makeup. It's a waste of money (in my not so humble opinion) and too troublesome to deal with, unless it's a special occasion.

There we go! 10 facts about me! :)

Hime out~

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