the Black Wizard quakes under Lucy's glare

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Lucy cried as she read the last line of his book. She glared to the dark wizard.

"Bring. Him. Back." She said. Or was no more than a whisper, but it was clearly heard.


She smacked him over the head with the book. Repeatedly.

"Bring. Him. Back. NOW." She hissed. "I don't care what black magic you use, just bring him back, to this spot, right now, memories intact, and completely unharmed. Or I'll Lucy kick you into next century." She snarled, smacking him with the book again and again.

"I don't know how," Zeref cried, "this has never happened, I don't know what to do..."

Lucy seethed. "Well, if it's a magic book, with his story written in it, I'll just write a new ending." She grabbed a pen from her pocket, and walked over to the group.

"Careful! You can't just go in and change something! Most likely, you'll have to use some sort of summoning spell... Our you could badly hurt him!" Zeref said.

Lucy nodded, then barked out orders.

"Freed, I need a magic circle of protection and containment around me, Levy, make sure that nothing can escape it. Including sound.
"Erza, Mira, Elfman, and Laxus, make sure Zeref doesn't leave. "Gray, I need an ice key, like my celestial keys. Make the top a simple flame design.
"Now open! Gate of the cross! Crux!"

Her spirit popped into existence, as everyone hustled to obey.

"How may I help you, miss Lucy?"

"Crux, I need as much info on the creation of celestial keys pronto! It's of utmost importance."

"Yes, miss Lucy!" The spirit said, promptly falling asleep to search through the material.

She listened intently, writing down notes as Crux read all the relevant information to her.

With all the information, she made the key, smearing Natsu's blood on the flame.

She carved a few magic symbols into the key, then took her pen, and wrote in the Book.

'And Lucy created a demon key, using it to summon the Demon E.N.D. Etherious Natsu Dragneel, brother of Zeref, saying, "Open, Gate of the Fire Demon, Etherious Natsu Dragneel!"' she wrote, trying to make her words as specific as possible, so there would be no mistake.

Taking a deep breath, she held out the key, just like she was summoning one of her spirits, and yelled, "Open, Gate of the Fire Demon, Etherious Natsu Dragneel!"

For a minute, nothing happened. Then, the key shattered, and a swirling portal appeared, and Natsu fell out.

He was unconscious, and normal-looking.

There were no visible wounds on his body, but he took shallow breaths, as if it hurt to breathe.

He coughed, and his eyes flickered open.

"" He croaked.

Lucy cried out of joy, hugging him tightly.

"" He said, confused. "Whya cryin? I...'ll kill ...whoever made you... cry..."

"They're happy tears, Natsu. I'm not sad, I'm happy." She said.

"Ya sure? Ok..."

He blinked tiredly, then fell asleep.

Lucy hauled him over her shoulder, and walked out of the circle.

"He's back!" She called. Everyone stared at her, but she paid no attention as she hauled Natsu back to the guild.

"And bring Zeref with you!" She yelled over her shoulder. "We gotta keep an eye on him."

I hope this is good enough 😅😅
It's mostly unedited
I'll try and get the next chapter up next week

Hime out~

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2020 ⏰

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