His Story

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'Chapter 1, The Attack.

'Two brothers were born to the Dragneel family. The quiet, black haired Zeref, and his spunky little brother, Natsu. They were a well known family, because the father was part of the local guild.

'He was named Acnologia Dragneel, and would become the first dragon slayer.

'Often away on jobs, his wife, Anna Dragneel, cared for their children.

'Both boys wanted to learn magic, and their mother did her best to teach them. Natsu learned a small amount of fire magic, and Zeref learned healing.

'They lived together happily until the dragon civil war.

'This war was over humans. Would they coexist? Or be eradicated?

'The pro humans dragons taught select humans dragon slaying magic, and soon they were winning the war. But dragon slayer magic had a terrible price attached to it.

'Acnologia, the first dragon slayer, was the first of many to pay that price.

'He turned into a dragon. He went mad, killing all creatures, dragons and humans alike.

'He even crushed his own town, killing everyone but the older brother, who miraculously survived.

'Alone and traumatized, Zeref watched the life drain from his brothers body, despite his attempts to save him.

'When he confirmed his brother dead, he used a spell to preserve the body until Natsu could be revived.

'Years, he spent looking for magic that would bring back the dead. He tried  many things, but they all failed.

'Until he stumbled upon a spell to summon the god of life and death himself, Ankhseram.

'He summoned the god, and made him revive Natsu.

'The spell worked, but with a price. The curse of Ankhseram was placed on Zeref. The more he cared about life, the more he would take it.

'Horrified at the people, plants, and animals who died in his presence, he gave his brother to a dragon.

'The fire dragon king, Igneel.

'Zeref explained the situation to the King.

"This curse will not let you die, lest it be by the hand of your creation." The King told him.

"Yes," Zeref confirmed. "I am certain it must be by the hand of Natsu, for I brought him back to this world, therefore he is my creation.

'But he won't wish to kill his brother. I beg that you keep my brother safe, and teach him your fire magic, that he may grow strong, strong enough to kill me, should that be fate. Till then, I will make many creatures, and hope that they may be the creation fated to end my life, and take the task from my brother."

"Very well," the Fire King said, "but I have one request; you will put him in a slumber, unageing, so he may absorb magic and expand his magic vessel. If he is to be strong enough to kill one with that Curse, he will need as much magic as he can get."

"I agree to your terms." Zeref said, and put Natsu in a crystal that would keep him alive, but not growing. The crystal would sustain him, and keep him alive, but it would be as if he were dead.

'For 400 years, he was asleep, and Zeref grew tired of living.

'He created demons, evil creatures engrained with the desire to return to their master after they become strong, and kill him.

'Demon after demon he made, each one unable to do the job. They were to weak. So Zeref put them in books.

'Their whole existence summarized by ink on a page.

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