Dragon's blood

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Eyyy sorry it's been a while... I got like, 17 books gettin the library and binge read after taking my finals...

Without further ado, back to the story!


Hurry and destroy the Book. It's the only way to kill Zeref. I'll keep Agnologia busy-" Natsu ordered, preparing to jump back into the fight.

"What the crap happened to you?!" Gray demanded. "Didn't your dragons say they did something so you'd never turn into one?"

Natsu finches, turn turned to face his old rival. The group let out an audible gasp. When he had his back to them, all they could see was the dragon-like wings, and tail.

Now, they saw deep red scales speckled over his bare torso.

Half of his face was completely covered in them, along with all of his lower arms and hands.

Acnologia's shining silver blood covered his clawed hands.

"They did."

"Then what happened to you?!?"

All the dragon slayers looked at him in fear. Would that happen to them?

"... It's nothing you need to worry about. And entirely my problem." He added, looking each of the dragon slayers in the eye. "You won't ever have to bear this burden. It's mine, and mine alone. Now hurry and destroy the Book."

He turned to get back into the battle, but Lucy grabbed his arm.

"Don't leave me again!" She yelled. "You aren't aloud to leave again! ESPECIALLY AFTER JUST LEAVING A BLOODY LETTER!"

"... You read it then?" He asked. It was a rhetorical question, but Lucy nodded anyways.

"And you aren't leaving until you answer my questions!"

Natsu began to relent, then heard a familiar noise. The sound of Acnologia preparing to attack.

"Get down! All of you!" Natsu said, turning and spreading his wings out defensively.

And just in time. The laser-like attack hit him square in the chest.

The attack lasted a full minute, searing him with its beam.

The magic beam vanished, leaving his body smoking.

He fell to his knees, the sound of Acnologia's triumphant roar rigging in their ears.



Lucy could see him relenting. Then something changed.

He turned around, spreading his wings out as wide as they would go.

"Get down! All of you!" He shouted, panic in his voice.

Everyone fell to the ground, looking up to see the white- blue energy beam hitting him square in the chest.

Lucy looked in horror, hearing a faint scream of pain over the blast.

The light faded away, and Natsu fell to his knees, his whole body smoking from the blast.

"Natsu!" Lucy cried, running around in front of him.

His arms were spread open, in a protective gesture.

Blood spattered his chest, slowly dipping down his body.

"NATSU!" Her scream was heart-wrenching.

Everyone came to look at Natsu. Ither than the blood, his whole body was black, covered in soot.

"He died... Protecting us..." Gray whispered.

Lucy fell to her knees, staring dumbly. He was gone. And it was her fault. If she hadn't made him stay, he could have dodged the attack and lived.

She hugged him for the last time, sobbing into his shoulder, her face buried in the scarf.

All the sudden, Natsu hissed in pain, His whole body wincing.

Lucy's eyes snapped open. She pushed herself back so she could see his face.

His eyes opened, and he blinked a few times.

Everyone clustered around him, barking questions.

He opened his mouth to say something, then started coughing.

He doubled over, hacking his lungs out.

"How are you still alive?!" Everyone demanded.

"I *cough* told you..." He said, with a humorless smile "I have *cough, cough* a trump card..."

With one last cough, he stood up, ready to fly.

"Wait!" Lucy said, "You're hurt! At least get a bandage so your not bleeding out!"

"Hm? Of, that's already taken care of." He said. "See?"

He wiped away the blood from the huge wound on his stomach to show his blood solidating into deep red scales.

Lucy couldn't stop herself from poking the scales, getting some blood on her hand.

"Now, hurry and destroy the Book! I can handle Acnologia. Trust me."

Everyone stared, dumbfounded.

"One more thing," Lucy said, standing on her tippy toes so she could look him in the eye.

She pushed her lips against his. "Come back safely, Natsu. Then you can call me Lucy Dragneel whenever you want." She whispered.

He rested his forehead on hers, smiling sadly. "I will do my best, Miss Lucy Dragneel." He relied, wrapping his scarf around her neck.

Mwhahahaha! Thanks for reading, Hime out~

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