the Book

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I'd like to say thank you to everyone who liked and commented, it really means so much to me 〒︿〒
And I did write this before reading the actual end of the manga, so sorry if it's cringily inaccurate ^^'
Now, without further ado, neck to the story!

Everyone else was not so happy.

The Book had fallen to the ground, and opened to the first page.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" Zeref yelled, running over to slam the Book closed. But the damage had been done.

Everyone stared at it, expecting and demon to jump out. But nothing did.

They all stared at the Book, until Lucy screamed.

"NO! NATSU!" She screamed.

Natsu was being sucked towards the Book, until he fell into it, turning into nothing more but a drawing on the page.

In the drawing, his eyes were wide, his mouth frozen in an eternal scream of the last word he had said.


The rest of the page was blank, but not for long. Ink flowed, like an invisible hand writing.


Lucy picked up the Book, reading the words silently.

'The Story of Etherious Natsu Dragneel, END'

"N-Na-Natsu?" She cried, her voice shaking. "Natsuuuuuuu!"

"What... Have you done?" Zeref said, tears in his eyes. "What have you done? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! My brother.... " He cried.

Lucy reverently opened the Book, turning the page.

'Chapter 1, The Attack.

:3  thanks for reading! The next chapter will be up momentarily...
Hime out~

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