Chapter One: MADMAX

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"Son of a bitch... Son of a bitch!" you heard your brother yelling from the living room. You walked in, watching as he flipped over all the couch cushions. "Another stupid penny!" Dustin said as he threw it behind him, almost hitting you. "Dusty, watch it! You almost hit Mews!" your mom whined. "More like it almost hit me!" you rolled your eyes. Sometimes you thought your mom cared more about that cat than her own kids.

"Whatcha lookin' for Dustin? You loose your brain again?" you laughed as Dustin glared at you and gave you the finger. Your mouth dropped open and you gasped dramatically, before holding up both hands and giving him the finger too. "Kids! Be nice!" your mom said, her eyes never leaving the TV. "Can I please check under your cushions?" Dustin asked. "Dusty!"

"Mom, please? It's an emergency!" you laughed as they began to groan back and forth in annoyance at each other before she finally relented and got up, letting Dustin look under her cushions. He held up two quarters, a smile growing on his face. "Love you mom!" he said as he ran down the hall to his room. "The hell was that about..." you mumbled to yourself.

"Dustin!" you yelled as you began to walk to his room. "Why the fuck are you looking for quarters?" he didn't answer, so you barged into his room. "Did you loose your ears too? Hello?" you said as you walked into his room. "What do you want?" he asked. "Uh, I want to know why you are looking for quarters"

"We are headed to the arcade" Dustin said. "You should have just said so. I can give you some quarters, and a ride there" you paused. "Only if you want" Dustin nodded furiously. "Okay... do the dishes for a month?" Dustin shook his head, his mouth falling open. "A month!? No way!" you rolled your eyes. "Fine. A week and a half" you stuck out your hand. "Deal" Dustin shook your hand.

You went to your room and found ten quarters. You handed them to Dustin before walking downstairs. "Be back later mom!" Dustin yelled before following you outside. "Bring your bike just incase" Dustin furrowed his eyebrows. "Incase what?" you rolled your eyes. "Incase one of us wants to leave early" you said while pointing at yourself. "You know, if you roll your eyes hard enough, they might get stuck in the back of your head" You went to smack Dustin but he ran to the other side of the car, laughing loudly.


You parked the car while Lucas and Mike were rolling up. You heard a car honk as you got out, seeing Will in Joyce's car. You waved to Joyce and she smiled and waved back. Will jumped out and ran toward the group. You all headed in, and they immediately ran to a game called Dragons Lair.

You walked around and played some random games, not wanting to hover over them. After a while, you saw the boys run over to a game called Dig Dug. "751,300 points!" Will said in disbelief. "That's impossible!" Mike added. "Who is Mad Max?" your brother asked. "Better than you" Keith said as he walked up to the boys.

"Mad Max huh?" you mumbled as you walked up to them. "Is it you?" Will asked, pointing at Keith. "You know I despise Dig Dug" Keith scoffed. "Then who is it?" Lucas asked. "Yeah! Spill it Keith!" your brother yelled.

"You want information, then I need something in return" Keith said, and all eyes go to Mike. "No, no way. You're not getting a date with her" you laughed loudly, and Keith glared at you. "You know what's sadder than you sitting in here all day? The fact that to get a date you have to ask the girls younger brother" you laughed again, not being able to contain yourself.

"Don't get him the date. He's gonna spread his nasty ass rash to your whole family" Dustin said. "Acne isn't a rash and it isn't contagious, you prepubescent wastoid" you laughed again. "Oh, I'm a wastoid? She wouldn't go on a date with you. You make like what? $2.50 an hour?" Keith put another cheeto in his mouth. "Nice perm" Dustin scoffed. "Gonna make fun of my hair?" you laughed once again while you rolled your eyes. "Real mature" you added.

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