Chapter Five: Dig Dug

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Your mom was in hysterics looking for Mews the next morning. She thought Mews didn't come home the night before, and now she was missing. You hated lying to her, but there was no way you could tell her what had actually happened.

Dustin was on the phone in the living room, pretending to call someone. "Dusty, baby, you're sure she's not in your room?" your mother asked as she walked into the house. Dustin held up a finger to her, signaling her to wait a second. "Uh-huh. Thank you so much Mr. McCorkle. Thank you so much. You are a true lifesaver. Thank you. All right. Have a good one" Dustin hung up the phone and turned to your mom. "All right, great news!" he said with a smile. "They found her?"

"No. But they saw her wandering around Loch Nora" Dustin said as he walked towards you mom. "How did the poor baby get all the way out there?" your mom was crying laughing now. "I don't know. Lost, I guess. But they're gonna look for her. And Y/N and I will stay here, just in case they call again, or she makes her way back here. And your gonna go help look? Yeah?" Dustin said, grabbing your moms hands comfortingly as she nodded at him. "Give me a hug. Go get her" Dustin hugged your mom. "We can find her" Dustin said as your mom put on her sunglasses and grabbed her purse. "We can find her" your mom echoed.

"I love you" Dustin said blowing her a kiss. "I love you" she then turned to you. "I love you" you smiled. "I love you too" Once the door had been shut, the fake smiles quickly fell from your faces. "Ready?" you asked him, and he nodded. "Ready"

Dustin went outside to open the cellar while you placed a trail of bologna from Dustin's room to the cellar. Dustin put on hockey gear to protect himself while you laughed. "You look like an idiot" you said as you grabbed a crowbar and a hockey stick from your hall closet. "You're the idiot. I'm protected" you rolled your eyes before throwing him the hockey stick.

You stood and waited outside the back door for your brother. After a minute, he ran outside. Well, more like tried to run. He had a hard time running with all the gear on, and it looked more like he was waddling. As he got closer, you heard him saying 'shit' over and over again. You ran with him towards the shed in your backyard. You shut the door behind you once you both made it in. You both looked out the small cracks of the shed door. "Come on... I know you're hungry" Dustin muttered.

"How hungry can it be. It ate our fucking cat for dinner" Dustin shushed you loudly and you shushed him back. You turned and watched as it came out of the house, picking up and eating each piece of bologna you had put down. Dustin was right, it was bigger than Mews; it looked as big as a small dog. Who knows how big it was going to get.

It was smelling the last piece, the piece right at the door to the cellar, when it growled and turned to look at the shed. "Shit!" Dustin hissed as the two of you jumped back.

You looked through the cracks again, to see it walking closer to the shed. "We're fucked" you whispered. "That thing is going to eat us for dessert" Dustin said as you stood with your backs against the wall next to the door. You gripped the crowbar in your hand tightly. "I'm gonna rush it" Dustin whispered to you. "Dustin, no!" you whispered back.

He didn't listen to you. Without warning, Dustin started yelling. He opened the door and ran out, scaring it. He hit it with the hockey stick, causing it to fall back into the cellar. You ran out after him and helped him close the cellar doors in its face. "I'm sorry! You ate our cat!" Dustin cried out as you both laid on the cellar doors to keep them closed. You chained the doors and locked it with a padlock so it couldn't escape.

The two of you went back inside. Dustin pulled off all the hockey gear, and you grabbed Mews body so you could bury her in the backyard.

"Guys, this is Dustin again. Does anyone copy? This is a code red. I repeat, a code red!" Dustin said for about the twentieth time into his headset.

You helped Dustin clean up the blood in his room. Every few minutes he would radio the others, telling them he had a code red and they needed to answer. "Erica? Erica, is Lucas there?" Dustin finally said, his eyes widening. "Where is he?"

"Is he with Mike?" he asked after a few seconds. You didn't know what Erica was saying, but you were betting she wasn't going to be much help. "Please tell him it's super important. Please tell him that I have a code-" he stopped. "Yep, code red. Exactly" Dustin said with a smile, before his face fell, and he furrowed his brows in confusion. "Erica?" you sighed, assuming that she turned off Lucas's radio. "What are we going to do?" Dustin said with a sigh.

After you finished cleaning up the blood, Dustin suggested you go to look for one of the boys. You decided to drive over to Mike's. You both hopped in your car, and sped over to Mike's house.

Dustin jumped out once you had parked in Mike's driveway. You stayed in the car as you watched him run up to the door. He knocked furiously, and after a few seconds the door opened. You could barely see who was at the door, but after a few more seconds, the door closed. You watched as Dustin began to walk back to the car. You opened the door and got out of the car. "No luck?" he shook his head. "Not even Nancy?" he shook his head again. "Ted said that Mike is at Will's but no one is answering the radio" You both turned when you heard a car pull up, hoping that maybe it was the boys.

You both looked over to see none other than Steve Harrington. "Oh, boy. Here we go..." Dustin began to walk quickly over to Steve's car. "Dustin! Dustin wait! What are you doing?" you yelled as you began to run after him.

"Steve!" Dustin yelled, ignoring you. Steve looked over at him with a confused look. "Dustin!" you yelled as you walked up to them. "W-what are you two doing here?" Steve asked. "Looking for Mike, but he's not here. Come on Dusty" you said as you forced a smile. You placed a hand on your brothers shoulder, trying to pull him back towards your car.

"Wait, he helped you fight the Demogorgon last year right?" he asked you. "Yes..." you replied slowly. Steve still looked incredibly confused. "Then he can help us!" Dustin exclaimed while waving his hands around wildly. He pulled out of your grip, walking over to Steve. "Are those for Mr. or Mrs. Wheeler?" Dustin asked, pointing to the bouquet of roses in his hand. "No" he replied. "Good" Dustin snatched them from his hand. "Dustin!" you yelled as he walked to Steve's car. "Nancy isn't home!" Dustin told Steve, completely ignoring you.

"Where is she?" Steve asked, looking from Dustin to you. You shrugged. "She's probably still running around with Jonathan" you muttered. "Doesn't matter! We have bigger problems than your love life" you almost laughed, but kept it in. "You still have that bat?" Dustin asked. "Bat? What bat?" Steve looked over at you for help. "The one with the nails" Dustin said matter of factly. "Why?" Steve asked, looking from you to Dustin. "I'll explain it on the way" Dustin said as he opened the door to the passenger seat. "Now?" Steve asked as he started walking toward his car. "Now! Hurry up! Get in!"

You rolled your eyes at your brothers antics. "I'll lead in my car" you said with a wave to your brother before you walked back over to get into your car, pulling onto the road and heading back to your house.

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