Chapter Three: The Pollywog

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You and Dustin tried to sneak quietly through the front door. You had almost made it back to Dustin's room before your mom stopped you. "Dusty! Y/N! How was it?" She asked as she walked over to the two of you. "H-H-How was what?" you did your best not to roll your eyes at your brother. He had always been a horrible liar. "How was what?" she laughed. "The greatest night of the year, of course!"

"Oh. Oh, yeah. It was... It was, uh, tubular" this tone me your did roll your eyes. "Yeah it was a lot of fun" you added, trying to get your mom to leave the two of you be, but. your mom didn't look convinced. "What's wrong with you two?"

"Nothing" you both answered without missing a beat. "Did something happen?" she asked. "No. What? No!"

"Are you constipated again?" she asked Dustin softly. You couldn't help but laugh loudly. You brought a hand up to stifle your laughter "No! Mom!" Dustin said while hitting you in the arm. "Okay, you're both acting weird"

"We are not acting weird!" just as Dustin said this, the trap he was holding in his hand made a loud thud, causing all of you to jump. You and Dustin started laughing nervously, while Mews hissed loudly at it. "Awesome, right? Yeah. I rigged the trap with, uh, a motor to make it look like I caught a ghost. Just like the movie" Dustin attempted to lie. Your mom started laughing along with the two of you, and pretty soon the three of you were laughing like maniacs. "Yeah! Funny! Would you look at the time! I think it's time we head to bed!" you said while pushing Dustin into his room.

You closed the door behind you and locked it. "I told you to stay quiet" Dustin said as he walked over to his terrarium. "Yeah, it can definitely understand you" you said sarcastically as you helped take the top off of the terrarium and Dustin grabbed his turtle. "Sorry, Yertle. Temporary eviction, buddy" Dustin said before handing him to you. You placed him gently on the floor. Dustin then took the trap and hovered it over the terrarium before pressing the button to open it.

The thing you found in the trash fell out of the trap. It looked like a slug with a tail and feet. It rolled onto its feet while you and Dustin leaned down to look at it through the glass. "What are you little guy?" it quickly crawled under the half log in the terrarium. "What were you doing in our trash?" you added. "You hungry?" Dustin asked quietly. "What are you gonna feed it?" you furrowed your eyebrows together while you watched Dustin dump his candy out of his pillowcase he had been carrying it in and onto his bed. "We don't even know what this thing is and you're gonna feed it candy?"

"Why not?" Dustin shrugged before grabbing a 3 Musketeers. He opened it and broke off a few pieces, throwing them into the terrarium. It began to crawl out from under the log, before it screeched. You got a weird sense of deja vu, but you brushed it off. "The lamp" you said, pointing to the red heat lamp about the terrarium. Dustin turned it off. "Sorry about that little guy" he said as the thing crawled out and began to eat the candy. "You like nougat, too, huh?" Dustin said quietly. "You're pretty cute you know that?" you scoffed loudly. "Cute?" Dustin turned to look at you. You were sitting on his bed, going through his candy, finding the ones you wanted. "Yeah. Cute"

"It looks like a weird slug" you said before popping a skittle into your mouth. Dustin gasped dramatically. "She didn't mean that" he said to the thing and you rolled your eyes. "Yes I did" you muttered while continuing to look through the pile of candy.

"D'Artagnan" you raised and eyebrow. "What?" Dustin turned to look at you again. "D'Artagnan. That's what I'm gonna call him"

"Dustin, this thing is not your new pet" you said before eating another skittle. "Sure it is" he said without looking at you. "What about Yertle?"

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