Chapter Two: Trick or Treat, Freak

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You woke up to your brother standing over you. "Well, good morning to you" you rubbed the sleep from your eyes. "It's halloween!" Dustin yelled excitedly. "Yes, it is halloween" you said with a chuckle as you sat up. "Get up! Get up!" Dustin yelled before running out of your room.

You threw on some clothes before walking downstairs. Dustin had on his halloween costume. The party was dressing up as the ghostbusters. You laughed as you watched your mom take pictures of Dustin in his costume. "Oh! I want to see those pearls" your mom said, causing Dustin to smile wide, showing his teeth. "Who you gonna call!" your mom said before snapping a photo.

"Ghostbusters!" you finished as you walked into the living room. "Looking good!" you said before ruffling Dustin's hair. "Why aren't you wearing your costume?" you laughed. "No high schooler wears their halloween costume to school Dusty" you said. He pouted. "That's lame" you laughed again.

You walked outside with Dustin, following to his bike. "You want a ride, Stantz?" You asked as you walked over to your car. "No thanks. I'm gonna meet up with the rest of the party" you nodded. "Alrighty. Want me to give you a ride home?" Dustin shook his head. "I'll meet up with you at Mike's after school though, okay?" you nodded before smiling and waving to him. Dustin waved back before pedaling off.


The school day went by pretty quick. You stuffed a few things in your locker before walking out to your car. As you were walking through the parking lot, you saw the new kid leaning against his car. You realized as you were walking that you were going to walk right by him. You were hoping he didn't say anything to you, because you had learned he was quite the flirt.

"Hey, Y/N right?" you silently wished you were anywhere else as you you turned around and put on a fake smile. He smirked, looking you up and down. "That's me. You're Billy, right?" you said and he nodded. "What's a pretty thing like you doing tonight?" you watched as the kid you had seen get out of his car the previous morning roll up on her skateboard. She gave you a weird look, one you couldn't quite place. "Nothing really" you replied. "Well, how about you come with me to Tina's party tonight, huh?" you wanted to roll your eyes but kept a smile on your face. "Sure, I'll meet you there" Billy nodded, winking at you before turning to get in car. You looked at the young girl, smiling and winking before mouthing 'no way.' She chuckled before getting in the passenger seat.


You walked down the sidewalk go where your brother and his two friends stood. "What's up nerds" you said with a smile as you walked up to them. You had changed into your halloween costume before coming to meet the boys. "Nice costume sis" Dustin said as he punched your shoulder lightly. "Thanks" you ruffled his hair, and he quickly slapped your hand away.

You turned to look at Lucas and Mike, furrowing your brows as you noticed their name tags were the same. "You're both Venkman?" you questioned as you gestured to their matching name tags. Dustin rolled his eyes. "Don't get them started!"

Mike spoke before you could take your question back. "We agreed I was gonna be Venkman!"

"No we did not!" Lucas turned to yell at Mike. "Mike was just scared to be Winston because he's not black!"

"That is not true!"

The boys continued to argue loudly, until you finally clapped your hands. "Wait! Why are you guys even complaining about being Winston at all?"

"He's not funny. He's not even a scientist. Also he joined super late!" you shrugged. "So what if he joined late? Also he is funny! I'm convinced you don't have a sense of humor" you said somewhat jokingly. "But it sounds like you guys did not pay attention to what everyone agreed. Maybe coordinate your costumes a little better next year, yeah?" you said with a laugh.

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