Chapter 1

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Kage's p.o.v.

 The girl came in kicking and screaming while being dragged to the teen girls ward across the hall. I gotta hand it to her, she's got some lungs. I looked around to see everyone else staring at her too.

   "She's the new girl; I heard the nurses talking about her this morning." The patient across from me said.

   "What's her name?" I asked not taking my eyes off the hall. He shrugged and leaned against the door frame.

 "Last name's Daniels, she's 16 and fucking crazy... that's all I heard." He said and I nodded. When her screams stopped I knew they gave her sedatives; that's what they do with all the new patients. I sighed and went back into my room, closing the heavy door behind me.
   To pass the time I started daydreaming cause well there's nothing else to do in this hellhole.

My thoughts were soon broken when I heard my door open and a nurse speak.

 "Just doing checks, Kage." She said and left before I could throw one of my books at her.

Name: Kage Elton Baker
Age: 19
Diagnosis: Bipolar, Intermittent Explosive Disorder

 So basically I get really angry sometimes and I can't really control it... at least I don't know how. I've made so many of the staff quit because I've either scared them, threaten them, or physically hurt them. I've been in this mental hospital since I was 17 and haven't been released yet because no treatments have seemed work on me. Most of the other patients are scared of me but its not like I want them to be...
   "Teen wards have activity privileges." The voice blared over the intercom. Activity privileges is when we're allowed to sit in the main room and watch TV, play ping pong, interact with humans if they're not scared of you, or sit alone and wait for death because there's really nothing else you can do.

  I walked into the main room and sat on the couch, not expecting anyone to talk or sit near me. There aren't that many people in the teen wards. There's Madalyn or Maddie, she's 13 and diagnosed with Schizophrenia. Micah, he's 15 and diagnosed with severe depression and bulimia. Amber is 14 and the doctors think she has depression and maybe something else, but they aren't sure yet. Then there's Brandon; he killed his two cats and attempted to murder his sister so his family put him in here. He's the only person that isn't scared of me.

   My eyes fell on a figure with brown hair and pale skin hunched over with her head in her knees. I'm guessing it was the new girl. Madalyn was the first to walk up to her. She placed her hand on the girls shoulder, asked who she was and the girl looked up at her. Her face was expressionless, and she had bags under her eyes.

 "What's your name?" Maddie asked softly.

   Everyone turned to them as the girl said "Erika," with no emotion in her voice. It's probably from the pills they put her on and ya know, the fact she's being held in a mental hospital.

 "W-whats your name?" Erika asked softly, pausing between each word like she had to think about it really hard.

 "Well I'm Madalyn but you can call me Maddie, that's Micah, Amber, Brandon, and Kage." Maddie pointed to all of us as she spoke. The girl stared at us all blankly. You could tell she was so drugged up that she could barely process anything Maddie just said.
   I got up and went back into my room because all the blank stares and pointless questions was getting old really quick. As I laid on my bed, I couldn't help but see her dull skin and corpse-like eyes. It was like seeing a zombie sitting right in front of you.

   I already know we aren't going to be friends; not only would the nurses keep her away from me for 'safety purposes' but also because she doesn't look like the attempted-murder type and those are the only kind of people who aren't scared of me.
Erika's p.o.v.

 Everyone's voice sounded like an echo. I could hear them, but they sounded so far away it took me a minute to process where I was and what was going on. I remember being taken here by my mother and men in white suits dragging me down a hall to this room where they strapped me down and injected things into me. That's all I remember before I woke up in another room full of kids.

 When the voice over the intercom started to speak, my head started pounding and I didn't know how to make it stop. I covered my ears and looked around to see if it was this loud to anyone else only to see everyone scattering to their separate rooms. That's when the men dressed in white came back and grabbed my arms, helping me stand up.

   "Please don't make me go back to that room," I begged and tried to hit one of them.

   "Don't worry, you are getting your own room with a bed, a desk, and a window." one of them said and threw me inside, making me almost fall. I had a twin sized bed with white sheets and beige hospital blankets. I moved myself, so I was laying down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling as the men slammed the door shut. I began to fall asleep once the pounding in my head started to subside.

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