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Axiom Academy


Calliope Strorm had not been banished out of the family and all that was due to Alaina's grace. This was the thing that covered the entire building as a hot topic for discussion.

But Cally had no such thoughts of gratitude.

With whose grace did she fell?
For a fox who always took advantage of every little situation the girl was disgusted when she not only failed to pull her enemy down but was also dumped in the middle of scrutiny and hatred of others..

What was she infront of them.... absolutely nothing more than a shadow that shall always prevail behind the true princess, she was unable to think that the one becoming the princess was also the one who received rigorous training and suffered countless schemes before being named as the heir, that Alaina was selected because she deserved it and took years to prove her worth.

Not only the silver haired girl would always remember that Alaina had been the one to take away her father's affection away but also felt that had she died only then the Strom empire would fall in the palms of her hand.

But even if a person forgets the universe shall always remember the Karma, good or bad shall be repaid in a manner which might change the entire course of fate.

People were whispering things and pointing looks, some were filled with approvals but most of them were of disbelief and an aura of uncertainty was swirling in the atmosphere.

After the grandmaster of Storm passed, the only person who didn't give up on Cally was Alaina, despite her attitude and rude behavior, the princess didn't left any stone unturned in extending a helping hand since no one was aware of it better than her that how was it to feel like a nobody.

In the eyes of the world she became the benovalent princess but if given a choice Alaina would never accept it since the price to pay for a few praises was heavier than anything that she wished to shoulder.

A woman was weaving schemes while the other was perched atop of the maple tree, her hands resting on a cliché romance book, glazed maple irises scanning the contents intently while she bit the plump bottom lip when a romantic moment finally came between the male leads. A sweet giggle escaped her lips on reading something cheesy said by the male lead making her silky mahogany locks bounce in the process.

The moment looked as if a fleeting fairy was there for a moment but the very next she might disappear. Brave but innocent, Strong but courageous enough to be kind despite the life that was harsh on her. This was Alaina's favourite place to rest , to sometimes run away from life and find solace here.

After the events of this month which had drained her completely she had no wish to go to a place filled with people anymore but when has her will was important enough. It always came second to her duty.

Sometimes Alaina wished to laugh and then scream so loud that her soul which was dipped in pain could be placid for a moment. They thought she was lucky.. that girl was far from lucky.

Sometimes a bad thing can protect you from worse but Alaina didn't had it bad......only worst.

"Miss, miss please come down this instant, the Principal has called you."

The sweet smile that was etched on those lips was washed off as if it was never there, cold indifference covered those eyes like they were not smiling a moment ago.

"Lead the way." The graceful landing seemingly a fluid movement left the secretary astonished for a moment before she stuttered in reply.

Alaina was standing in the principal's office with her hands neatly folded infront.

Axiom Academy was managed by her uncle, the second blooded brother of her father in the Strom family tree, third son of the grandmaster and also the one that renounced any connections with the business world but stayed in the clan, Roman Storm, who was currently sitting with a serious expression on his face.

He was previously the teacher in this academy now promoted to a principal due to his sheer determination. There was no favor that could be expected from him looking at his cold blooded nature yet even his indifference appeared to be comical infront of the Storm princess that did not spoke a word as if asking him to begin if there was anything to say at all.

Over the years both of them had developed a close relation yet despite all this there was always a hesitation in discussing the family matters.

"I have heard about the dispute between you can Cally this might affect our reputation." He sighed pinching his brows.

"I have tried my best-"

"Believe me Alaina....I know you have but I am now asking you why? I am not biased. But I am not blind either.

I do love her as my own child, but her ways are poisonous Alaina and if you didn't stay away....it would only bring harm. Not only to you but in her foolishness that girl would eradicate the whole Strom empire.

People are already talking. And it won't be too late, this will spread to other elites and then they will definitely think to divide and rule.

Moreover we have students from Italy, Spain, America and Brazil. They are influential and future heirs, we cannot afford to create gossips.

Control her Laina and tell her to behave because if I take matter into my hands it would create a rift between her father and me since I will simply throw her out."

"Uncle Roman, I will try my best to not create anymore waves but people don't change so soon and if they do...then a conspiracy is being woven."





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