20.9K 869 101

Warning: violent scenes ahead

Previous night

Allac State House

A small cellar with artificially burning lights was in the basement of Allac state. It has never been used before, though things are meant to change time to time. Steel rods with acid coating there surfaces bounded the said region.

A man was tied with electroctured wire all around his body to the rods of the cellar, they were enough to make that person stay awake after being heavily sedated.

Even if that person tried to sleep or blackout the drugs won't let him. The electricity would burn him and trashing around would bring his skin to the acidic rods. He has crossed the wrong person this time and it couldn't be more evident to him.

"Start Speaking" the drug dealer opened his eyes wide when the devil sat in front of him, crossing his legs on the brown rusty table before him.

" I-I was h-hired to do it. T-to take her to a person, I swear I d-don't know w-who were they." He stuttered and babbled whatever he knew. He saw the girl in the bar, he would have taken her then and their...she looked exotic, he wanted to use that pretty body of hers, but it was the contract which said he had to show her to them ,after that she was his to use.

" How were you going to be paid?" Dark Green eyes met the terrified blues.

His eyes widened and his whole body shivered under that lethal glare.
He will be receiving death if he told him- a very painful one.

A hard electric shock went through his body, his back colliding with the bars burning them. He howled with pain.


The shock flowing through his body stopped, a deadly silence surrounded the place. The man gripped his hair. His body trembling , he didn't wanted to see the impact of his words but as he lifted his head a little ,he buckled under the fury inside the orbs.
He saw death.

A hand gripped the wires and ripped them off the drug dealer body. The devil dragged him with his hair outside the cell.

An artificial lake seemed to be in the view. He was pushed inside it. water- ice cold salt water with Gabapentin which increased pain to ten folds.
A glass case was enclosed above the lake.

Loud howls of scream were silenced by the glass case, he would experience hell before his ultimate doom.

Strom Palace

"Officer are you sure that its all that happened?" Max Strom anxiously answered his cellphone.

"Sir your daughter has shown immeasurable courage to help us find the locations of various drug cartles and we have followed her to her friend's house."

Maximus felt something was not fitting right, why would his precious Alaina involve herself in these dangerous deals?

He tried to keep her away from all that was evil but somewhere or the other it had a shadow upon her.

"Do we know of this 'friend' you are talking about? We need to meet her right at this moment, send me the coordinates of the location."

The officer did not had in himself to refuse the Storms yet he was given strict orders from above that he must not at any point disclose the place Alaina was currently in.

"Sir we will be shifting Ma'am to the Storm palace in half an hour."

Cally could not hear the entire conversation from hiding behind the pillar, what bits and pieces entered her ears made her feel that like she had told Ryan earlier- Alaina was safe and she didn't needed them at all.

Even though others were not aware but Calliope had the knowledge that the three boys would be near Alaina thus she dialed them for knowing the location....she wished to see from her own eyes what had transpired.

Driving towards the parking area of the unknown mansion which the boys had given her details of, there were various scenarios that she had conjured up in her mind.

The said mansion was of normal size but homey look, it appeared to have brown,mahogany wooden frames with flowering plants of variations hanging with steel  lamp posts in garden. A lush carpet of green grass adorned the way.

The woman got out of the car admiring the surroundings not being aware of a person who was watching her with clenched jaw from behind the glass window.

Calliope saw a pool at the other end in view covered with a glass sheet making her frown.

"Wait was is-"

"You are very intrusive by nature. We have allowed you to visit but not to introspect all areas that do not concern you." The woman jumped when Tyler came forward with a strange glint in his eyes....as if there was some disgust in those cerulean irises.


"Let us visit Alaina, I also have yet to see her since yesterday."

But why? What was there that allowed none to draw close to it?

"Why are you here?"

"I am here to see you...umm to take you back"

"Thankyou but it's not required. I will leave soon with my own guards."

"Aren't you pretentious enough? I came all the way here to talk to you because I was worried-" A chuckle from the side echoed slowly before blooming into full blown laughter.

Wobbling legs and eyes tainted with a tinge of soot appeared fierce when they closed up near Calliope Storm.

Alaina tilted her head and pulled the woman closer with fingers that were trembling with rage.

"You are worried? Your father abused me infront of you Calliope, you weren't worried then."

Glazed brown irises were so immersed in hatred as if this was the first time she showed such emotions.

She wished to ruin all of them one by one and leave none to live.

Devil's vow✔️[ Mafiaso Series #1]Where stories live. Discover now