Him & Her*

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After the whole fiasco of Valace Strom ended the Waylons came to the light of the world.

Earlier the man who was declared dead by the whole world announced himself to not only be healthy and prosperous but also in a better shape and high power. Watching him smile with mirth dancing in his eyes was something nobody could ever dream of.

But there he was...Leonard Waylon with his arms around the petite waist of his wife Lilliana, meeting and mingling with new people as they threw a lavish party with such an extravagancy that it could bring shame to the monarchs and their queens.

But they had every reason to, not only their son had his deep dark roots beyond the eyes of the commoners but also build a successful business company as a cover converting all black money to legal resources.

With such power it was ironic that he had become much powerful than the president itself and the government ought to know but they had his support in much more ways than just his money so how come they would be able to offend him? It was impossible to make enemies with him and still carry on the large nation.

Either it was with him or behind him there was no ahead...there never existed such thing.

And as if this wasn't enough the man had the Russian princess as his girlfriend.

People were afraid, the Mafian empires felt agitated with his iron fist and his woman who ruled with the brain that would put their brilliant startegists to shame but they waited patiently, praying to god every single day that they seperated because none had the courage to offended since Ajax had passed a decree.

No matter who it was, even if his Queen would to be looked at the wrong way he would gauge their eyes out and slaughter their whole clan bestowing death and torment to each and every member leaving none.

He had offered truce, with gifts more precious than any of them could even afford to see. But those were not mere objects but a significance.

He would help in their time of need and in return they had to be loyal or accept direct war against him. They could choose any of it but they were to remain under his wings.

The insignia of falcon representing his mighty empire had now his sharp eyes everywhere and none were to escape his gaze.

But alas beside every utopian vision there lies reality. There were two attempts of assassination and maybe....maybe it was those which made people really stop and be wary.

The century old Mafia families were gone in a blink the next day, it was as if they never existed, never were there. their houses vandalized. Women and children were not even spared, all killed in cold blood.

But the truth was that they were thrown to remote areas of the villages to fend for themselves, they had never expected such kindness with the Devil himself and sweared their loyalty to him.

Maybe it was a simple house with no luxury, life was hard but having a peaceful life was what they never expected to be bestowed with. Their husbands have sold the enemies women to low level brothels so this was kind beyond comprehension.

But those were the things for only Ajax to know, others must fear his wrath and bow down. If he obtained all that by maintaining a facade of cruelty he would do it in a heartbeat.

Cally watched the people in the party sitting at the side, while people beside her chatter animatedly.

After Valace Strom was send to prison and the hurricane settled down Cally's eyes fell on the forest green of Ajax who was consoling his girl after the horrific war.

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