Die 2*

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Here is the summary of Die 1 for those who have forgotten and do not wish to read it now.

The doctor tells Ajax that Alaina can never be a mother because due to the abuse in her childhood although her external injuries have been healed but her uterus is so fragile that she would not able to support another child and might die. Ares was already a miracle and his bluish-grey eyes are due to the fact that he had almost choked into Alaina's womb.

Ajax's Pov

"Ajax please.....please." My Laina was crying, begging and asking to me what was wrong. I could only crush her body to my chest and silently cry in her neck. I could never tell her, I cannot sin to take the only thing she was proud of from herself.

It was only a month since our baby had graced the world and she was so brave, so good that she never uttered a word about pains that I knew she faced everyday to support our Ares in her womb.....just for my sake, so that I would not be worried.

She was so excited for this,to carry our children in her womb despite the atrocious pain she had to go through and this was going to be the first time I was lying to her and lord bless me, this must be the last.

"Baby" I whispered, my red rimmed eyes clashing with her broken browns as her lips quivered thinking that she did something wrong and I realized how delicate my baby was, such abuse that she encountered in past had made her so insecure, even after these many years all it required was one word out of me, a single sentence and my precious treasure would break.

I had the power to destroy her completely, to rip her soul in shreds and I knew she would not rise again.she would die of heartbreak.

The woman who deserved the world and every single thing that was beyond comprehension would be devastated because of a man like meeven though I was a killer she had given me such an high position in her heart. I absolutely did not deserved her..so pure and beautiful, nobody deserved her.

I cupped her face wiping her tears and she looked at me with those innocent wide eyes of hers filled with fear and anxiety.

"Baby I need your forgiveness, I beg for it." I held her petite waist, her body trembling when I took her to the bed simply seating her in my lap so I could cover her in my embrace, protect her from all the demons that she was fighting for so long.

"Jax p-please tell me w-what is it?"  she sniffled, her arms holding my shirt for comfort.

Lord forgive me

"Baby I can never be a father again."  The pitter patter of rain seemed to get heavier with the silence prevailing, a lightning flashed making her sorrowful face glow for a moment from the light coming from the windows before the thunderous cloud roared.

"Jax" she did not said much, did not asked me a single question just held my face in her palm as her thumb gently stroked my jaw as a single tear trailed down my eyes and her façade of holding herself together cracked as she kissed my forehead, covering my face in those small butterfly kisses.

"I went to the doctor today for Ares's reports and..she told I would never be able to give you a child again." Lies so many lies I was sputtering out, looking in those eyes that I vowed to see always glowing with happiness, those were the eyes that I looked straight into while lying.

"It doesn't matters to me...Oh my god!"  she put her palm against her mouth and sobbed looking at my face thinking that I was sad because I found myself unworthy of her because of this.

"Do you think I will hate you? In this world its only you Jax.....god! please tell me Ajax how dare you even think that for a second that I might....."her lips wobbled as her arms encircled my waist holding me tightly and I cannot help but pull her impossibly closer to my heart at that moment.

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