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Axaina Palace


Her hand was on her eight months pregnant belly. It had taken a toll on her body- the messages.

It started a week ago when a blood dipped rose was parceled to her. The blood drenched thing made her sick and throw her guts.

The threat letters she had been receiving have gotten more horrendous as the time flew by.

Maximus had flew immediately with Sandra for ensuring their daughter's safety. The bodyguards were strictly guarding her since then with Lilliana's orders.

Cally had crushed the rose beneath her foot in anger. She recognized the writing and seeing Alaina distressed made her grit her teeth in anger.

Ten years have passed since Alaina met Ajax and three years since they were married. There was not a single moment Cally had left Alaina's side when she needed her.

Times have changed drastically. Calliope was not the jealous girl she used to be. She had grew stronger, kinder and as the godmother of Alaina's child she did everything to make sure her sister and the unborn baby was alright.

Ten years have passed since Valace Strom was prisoned and sadly after one year she and Ryan broke up.

It was her who wanted to split up, it wasn't that she didn't liked him enough or he was at fault but seeing Alaina and Ajax, it dawned upon her what true love was.

The spark in her eyes when someone mentioned him, in a boring conversation as soon as she heard his name being called her eyes glowed like a starry cartoon. Once a stubborn, stupid boy proposed her.....stupid indeed, but before Ajax could murder him literally, she declared that only her king rules her and she was his, she didn't belong to herself anymore.

The look on the boy's face was priceless and when he saw the person who towered him in four long strides, the poor boy pissed himself off.

The amount of trust she placed in him was undecipherable and the way he loved her was something some people can only dream of.

Girls use to parade around him, those models with beautiful body, gorgeous eyes but his eyes only searched for her. A touch.....whether it was her hair, her fingers, her face.....anything he could get a hold on. Lord! He seemed hungry for her....desperate, starving without her.

She would ask a world and he would build her one. He could tear it into shreds if she wanted that.

And Cally wanted that kind of love.

Dolphin Prison


Valace's Pov

Ten excruciating years....I couldn't remember the last time I fucking saw the sun.

They were vicious, those bastard cops. My life was hell, they bestowed me with the most cruel jailors and the reeked of rotten meat but I didn't care.

All I was living for- to kill that bitch who turned me here. While torturing me months ago one of the jailors had asked me about my regrets, I had one....I should have killed the bitch when she was born...Alaina.

They caged me but a demon couldn't be bound by four walls, if I couldn't kill her....I will murder her baby.

Ajax that bastard had protected her for years but my sources have informed me he was in Canada with Leonard.

I heard a footsteps stopping iront of me. I couldn't look due to a goddamit black cloth obstructing my sight.

A cold thing was dragged along my cheekbone...was it ...knife? A sharp zap cut through my skin making me hiss. But they weren't allowed to use knives.

"W-Who are you?" I coughed harshly as a hand gripped my hair from scalp with brutal force.

"Death" a steely voice replied after a minute of silence. I had heard that before but if seemed deeper.

"Look at me" The attacker seethed as he ripped off the cloth from my eyes.

As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, all breathing got knocked from my lungs.

He took a seat beside me " woman was crying when I went home, want to tell me why?" He asked with so much calm like his eyes weren't of Lucifer right now. heart was thrumming with fear, sweat dripped from my skin. My tounge had twisted. His eyes...he was going to kill me.

"I made a mistake years ago, left you alive, allowed you to breathe."

My chair was kicked hard as I fell on the floor with a loud thud.

"F-forgive me...d-dont take a l-life y-you are going to father a child-"

"Don't play games" he roared as a fist connected to my already bruised jaw, making me cough blood on the floor.

"I will not rip your throat Valace, Alaina won't like that, she hates blood."

Her name made my blood boil, I looked at him with my usually blood red eyes, lunging with a war cry.


"I shot him sir, he had gotten out of control, he tried to kill two officers, it was in self defense" Dia said to the officer on phone.

"He was a vile being, he attacked me too last year. Dia, just make sure he doesn't rots in the prison itself, anywhere else would be fine."

Dia disconnected the call
"You killed him did the right thing....would there be a funeral though?." she asked as Ajax sat there dangerously placid. The scars on her body, the way the drug dealer touched her, her teary eyes, the greif striken face when he visited his woman yesterday, the way her hands trembled and nightmares used to wake her up...reminiscence of the past were flashing in his mind.

"The vultures must have eaten his body by now."


Hello sweethearts!!!!!!!!! for those who felt like Valace don't deserve to live. Here we are.

I read the chapter again and I just sat there cringing like anything like there were so many grammatical mistakes. Forgive me please.

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