To The Girl He Chose Over Me;

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To The Girl He Chose Over Me,

I hated you. I sincerely wanna tell you that. I hated you. I hated you for being so beautiful in his eyes that he had forgotten how wonderful I was. I hated how happy he was when he's with you that he forgotten what he felt when we were together. I hated how he adores you so much, how he melted with your eyes and your smiles and how he was grateful to have you in his life. You have his heart that once mine. That heart was beating for me but hundred beats were left unbeat because he found your heart. I was holding his hands until we parted ways and he found comfort in your hands better than mine. He kept you and he left me. He left someone who loves him so much despite of everything. You're a lucky girl, you're not me, an option lost in hopes and longing for his love. I could always take the pain even if it may break me a lot just to make him happy, yet I will never be you, I will never be the reason of his smile. Please do take care of him, I love him so much enough for me to let go. I may wallow in pain, I may cry a lot but I will be happy to leave him to you because I will never be you -his everything.

Thank you for making my happy pill, the happiest.


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