Thor Odinson- Help (c)

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Even without an interest in Norse Mythology, it was hard to not know of Thor and Loki, but you certainly didn't think that you would see them by your home in a standoff with a dark-haired woman. It was impossible to turn your eyes away as you watched their interactions, soon ending as the woman basically crushed the hammer that Thor was famous for.

As she left the scene, you begun to make your way towards the two men. You had always wanted to be a hero, be able to stand up for the small guy, but seeing one of the world's mightiest heroes in the way you did now, it felt as though you must take your chance.

Both men looked rather confused as you stopped beside them, their conversation falling silent.

"I'm sorry," you smiled softly.

"Pardon?" Loki responded.

"I saw the woman and your hammer being crushed, I can see it upset you," you said towards the other brother.

"Thank you, milady," Thor said, his eyebrow cocked uncertain why you were there.

"So, who was that?" You asked.

The two of them looked at each other before back at you.

"She is our sister, Hela," Thor stated.

"I'm guessing she's evil," you offered. "She gives off that vibe, like 2012 Loki."

The dark-haired brother shot you a look, but a grin curled onto the blonde's face.

"She is. She is very dangerous."

You assumed as much. Although you hadn't met either man before, you knew enough about them through one of them being a hero and the other causing immense amounts of havoc across New York City.

"I can help you if you want," you said dismissively.

"Do not make me laugh mortal," Thor boomed in cheer. "You must be mistaken."

With a roll of your eyes, you became tired of being misinterpreted and underappreciated. You were far more than you seemed. Physically you were frail and petit, little possible at first sight, but there was far more you could do in comparison to how you looked. Across the previous few months, you had learnt that actions certainly said more than words. You pulled your fist back and allowed it to collide with Thor's face. The Asgardian, wobbled on his feet at the force of your hit, whilst your fist was undamaged.

"You are no mortal," Loki laughed at his brothers' pain.

"I am mortal," you stated. "Born to two humans, raised here all my life."

"Then how do you contain such a power," Thor questioned, trying to wipe away the blood from below his nose.

"I'm a scientist. An experiment went a bit tits up and I ended up with a heck of a strength, that I never thought I'd have," you shrugged. "So, what do you say about that help I offered?"

They looked at each other again, this time far more willing to think about your offer than before.


Written by Charlotte.

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