Part 4

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"Joe could you ask for help in CCPD?"
Barry asked

"Yeah yeah, will do"
Joe left them

"Cisco, any sign of her?"
He asked

"Sadly, there's none"
"I-I don't know why though but it supposed to track her but it can't"
"I can't see any sign of her"
Cisco said

Barry sighed

"Have you seen her eyes... before she left?"
Barry asked him

"Y-Yeah it lit up"
Cisco sighed

"Is it possible that she turned into-"
Barry said

"Killer Frost?"
"Yeah. The glow in her eyes, she definitely turned"
Cisco answered

"Dude, I feel awful"
"I-I mean... it's my fault she turned into full Killer Frost"
"Like instead of calming her down... I only made her worse"
He said

"We can't do anything about it already"
"It already happened"
Cisco sighed

"There still is"
"And we will try to bring her back"
Someone came and said

They looked at him.

Cisco said

"You're back!"
He added

"I'm here to help you find Snow"
Harry smiled

"Thanks, Harry"
Barry smiled back at him

"No worries, Caitlin's a family to me"
He said

"So okay, let's go find Caitlin Snow"
Cisco smiled at them

An hour later

Cisco called him

"W-What? Did you find Caitlin?"
Barry asked

"She's in Jitters"
Cisco said

"Why is she there?"
Barry said

"Because she's about to kill people"
"Flash, she needs you right away"
Harry said

"Yeah, I'm on it"
Barry wore his suit and ran to Jitters

In CC Jitters

"NO! Don't hurt me"
"Please, please!"
"I'm begging you!!"
A man said

Killer Frost's eyes glowed

A girl threw a bag at her

She growled

"Oh no bitch, you didn't..."
She made an icicle and threw it

The Flash came and saved all the people out of the place.

Afterwards, he came back to talk to her

Flash said

Killer Frost said

"Caitlin, please stop"
Flash said

"I'm not Caitlin, Flash"
She said

"What do you want?"
Flash asked her

"I want you to suffer"
She said

"What did I do to deserve a punishment?"
He asked

She didn't answer him

"What is the reason Caitlin?"
"Tell me"
He said

She didn't respond

He walked to her

She said

"Why shouldn't I?"
He said

"You know what Flash"
"You're right, you deserve to know why"
She said

"You're too perfect"
"Your life is perfect"
"Everybody admire the Flash"
"Basically, you are the hero of everyone's story"
"Why can't you just suffer at least one time huh?"
"Why does it always have to be us?"
"We always suffer because of what YOU do"
"We became the collateral damage"
"You have everything while we lose everything because of the things you did"
She added

"You're wrong"
"Y-You are wrong."
"My life is not perfect"
"You don't think I don't suffer?"
"I suffer everytime I see you guys suffering. Knowing that it's my fault and you take the blame"
"You take the pain even though you shouldn't be"
He paused

He caught her attention so he continued

"I-I can't even have that one person to love me back"
"Because she doesn't feel the same"
"She likes someone else while I'm here... still hoping for her to change her mind and pick me instead"
"B-But I know it's impossible"
He sighed

Cisco and Harry hearing Barry confessing to Caitlin.

"Hey, Barry"
"I-Is it really the time for you to do this?"
Cisco asked through the comm

"Yeah, I think I can turn her back"
Flash said

"Talking to your friend, Barry?"
"Trying to convince me to turn back into Caitlin?"
"We both know you don't have the power to do it"
She laughed

"I can"
"With or without my powers"
Flash answered her

"By what?"
"Continuing your drama?"
She laughed again

"If I had to, then I will"
He said

"Try me, Flash"
Killer Frost dared him

"I know you're not like that"
"You are Caitlin"
"Caitlin is a very kind person and she wouldn't hurt anyone specially her loved ones"
"You have been my best friend"
"My rock, my love"
He said

Killer Frost was confused

"Caitlin, listen to me"
"I know this isn't the right time but"
"I-I love you"
"I love you ever since I woke up from coma"
"I love seeing your smile, hearing your laugh"
Barry declared his love for Caitlin as he walked close to her

Killer Frost was shocked

"Killer Frost"
"If you want me to suffer..."
"Make me suffer now, kill me if you want"
"Just bring back my Caitlin"
"Bring her back to us"
"She doesn't deserve to suffer like this"
"I didn't want any of you to suffer because me"
"And if you did, I am really sorry"
"I am so sorry"
He apologized

He held her hands and kneeled down infront of her. Killer Frost couldn't stop thinking about what he said so she just ran out of the place, leaving Barry on his knees.

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