5| Burn

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I try to forget the sadness that clouds my soul when I hear your name.
I try to ignore the memories that come to me when I hear your voice.
I try to ignore the sparks I feel when I perceive your scent
I try to ignore the eyes I see when I close mine

But today, I won't try
I'll let the feelings take over
I won't push away
The bittersweet memories
I know, oh I know
That I'm the one to blame
Should've listened to the voice
Echoing deep inside me
Warning, warning
Begging, pleading
"Don't go further
You will burn"
And you burnt me

I don't know why I kept skipping the faults
Don't know why I ignored the signs
Despite the voice that echoed and screamed
Inside my head I knew you were wrong
But you felt soo right.

I followed my young foolish heart
I let it lead the way
It was like walking on air
Getting closer to you
Each step magnifying the ache in my heart for you
But there was fire below

The voice screamed louder
Soo stubborn, soo foolish
Didn't listen, kept moving
Until you were just a breath away
You took my heart, you took my all
You almost took my very soul

Fire below, fire below
Hold me close, hold me close
Don't let go, don't let me go
But you weren't looking
Weren't even listening

And you dropped me
I fell...
And I burned.

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