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"Hawkpaw, wake up!" Shouted a familiar voice "Hawkpaw, you lazy lump! Get up and get ready!" 

Hawkpaw awoke and sniffed the morning air.

"Hawkpaw!"said the voice. The voice was her mentor,  Applefrost. "Hawkpaw!"                                     "Coming!" Hawkpaw felt confident, today was the day she was going to have her final assesment. She already felt like she was a warrior. Kits looking at her as if she were so grown-up, other cats were granting her good luck.                                              "may Starclan be with you." Her big brother, Flamespark remarked. " you should follow the hunting patrol."

As the hunting party dispersed, Applefrost and Hawkpaw stood there for a few seconds. Now Hawkpaw seemed more anxious. If she failed this test. No cat had failed the test. What would happen if she did? 

"Three, two , one. You may begin."

First, Hawkpaw scented a squirrel. She immediately sank into the hunting crouch Applefrost had taught her 3 moons ago. She settled herself into a pounce and killed it in one bite. She buried it near the camp entrance to keep it safe. Soon she had killed as much prey as she could carry and returned to her buried squirrel. 

"Well done, Hawkpaw.I think we have a warrior ceremony to do." Applefrost sat down to see the look on Hawkpaws' face. Hawkpaw was delighted. She would race back to camp and tell her friend, Oakpaw. But first she needed some time to herself. Becoming a warrior was a lot to take in. Plus, she felt like late night hunting. " Applefrost, can you tell Whitestar i will be back at sunrise tomorrow."

"Okay Hawkpaw." Applefrost said.

As it was getting dark she walked to the sun-drown waters. She felt peaceful there. She sat down as the waters lapped the sand. There were rats in the rocks. Hawkpaw could smell them. She got up and started hunting her first one. 

As Hawkpaw woke up, she thought she was in her den, embedded in cosy moss. Then she realised she was on the sandy-hill and it was far later than sunrise.Oh no  Hawkpaw thought, racing down to camp. The rats, she would pick up later.  "Oh Flamespark, i hope you're not angry with me."

Bloodstained forest: a warriors story (FINISHED!!!!)Where stories live. Discover now