Chapter Fourteen

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I've been at this new school for what seems like ages now and Wilmer is in Louisiana. Demi said they just needed a break but I think it's more than that. Sometimes Wilmer calls her phone but Demi doesn't pick up, she just leaves it ringing as if she 'missed' his call and didn't ignore it. Nick has also been round every day for two weeks now. Demi says they're just friends but Nick spent the night in the spare bedroom a few days ago, they think I don't know. Maybe he should leave earlier. I mean, I love Wilmer and he's legally my guardian so I don't know how Demi plans on sorting this mess. It's a mess, isn't it? I never want to fall in love, I will just get hurt. 

Just as my thoughts were confusing me, my teacher snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"Anna, you daydreaming again?"

I shook my head and then dropped my gaze to my table, trying to block out the giggles behind me.

"So, if you weren't daydreaming, what's the answer to this?" The teacher said, pointing to a number on the blackboard.

I looked up and then scrutinized the mathematical sum on the board. "I, uh, I don't know, miss. Sorry." I did actually know but I don't want to speak right now.

The giggles behind me grew louder.

"Ha ha, Anna's dumb!" said one.

"Anna is fat and dumb!" said another.

Before the third comment could escape someone's lips, the teacher shushed the class. I forcefully blinked back tears, knowing that if they escaped they would all laugh at me. Just as it was nearing impossible to blink them back, the alarm bell rung. Thank God, it's time to go home. I quickly threw my folder, notepad and pencil case in my bag, zipped it up and threw it on my back. I glared back at my classmates and then left the classroom, rushing down the hall and breathing a sigh of relief as I exited the building. I dragged my feet down the front walkway of the school and reached the sidepath, feeling a hand grab my shoulder. I swallowed the lump in my throat and feared the worst, having my fears fade as the voice of the hand spoke.

"Baby girl, the car is this way." 

I smiled up at Demi and took her hand, finding it a safety net away from the bullies that were taunting me in class. I don't know why, I was nice to them when I joined. I think they're jealous, that's what my teacher tells me. I heaved a sigh as soon as we got in the car and burst into tears. Demi pulled over on the road and shut the engine off, worry plastered on her face.

"Oh, baby! What's wrong, baby? Tell me. What's wrong?"

I cleared my throat and pulled my hands from my face. "People at school don't like me, Demi. They don't like me."

"Baby girl, why do you think that? Hey, come here." She pulled me closer and wiped the tears from my eyes.

"They call me things, Demi. Why don't they like me?"

"Hey, baby. It'll be okay. They're just jealous, I like you. In fact, I love you. A lot."

I cleared my face of the tears and Demi started the engine again, completing the journey home in no time. As soon as the car's engine was cut when we parked in the driveway, I rushed out of the car and eagerly awaited for Demi to unlock the door. Once she did, I ran as fast as I could into my bedroom. Shutting the door, I sat behind it and cried into my hands. They don't like me. Am I fat and ugly? What even is fat?


I'm so angry right now, how dare those ratty kids put Anna down like that? I've protected her so much since our parents death, how dare they think they can throw away all of that? I've knocked the sense into her that she is beautiful and strong and now they're telling her she is everything but. I jittered my teeth together and counted my breathing to calm myself down. I've told that precious girl that fat is something that you can't be, it's something that you have. I just hope this sorts itself out, kids usually back off once they're told off.

I clenched my fists and then unclenched them, picking up my phone and dialing the school's number. After a few seconds, a snotty-sounding woman picked up on the other line.

"Hello? I'm Anna Lovato's guardian, I want to speak to the principal pronto." My seriousness haulted the woman on the other end for a few seconds and then she coughed into the phone.

"Yes, ma'am. Putting you through now." Horrible, out-dated music played for a short while and then it cut out, replaced with a husky man's voice.

"Hello? Demi Lovato? Richard Connolly here, how may I help y-"

"Right, my sister is being bullied and it needs to be sorted. The kids in her class are bullying her and she's just come home in tears."

"Slow down, Ms Lovato. Do you know their names?"

"Do you think I stopped to ask? She is sobbing and I need to get to the bottom of this."

"Okay, Ms Lovato. I will talk to the children in her class tomorrow and get back to you, how's that?"


Before he could respond, I hung up the phone and wandered up the stairs, heading towards Anna's bedroom. I sighed out any anger I had built up inside me and attempted to open Anna's door, unable to push it open.

"Anna, you in there?" She didn't reply but I could hear sniffling that came from just behind the door.

"Baby girl, don't cry. Let me in."

She shuffled forwards and allowed me to open the door fully. I leaned down and wrapped my arms around her shaking body, hysterical from all the tears.

"Anna, baby girl. It's okay, I rung the school. Mr. Connolly will speak to your class tomorrow. Baby, it's okay. It's okay." I hushed her hysterics and she slowly caught her breath, calming down.

"Baby, it's going to be fine." I reassuringly rubbed her back.

She sniffled into my shoulder and pulled away, nodding a few times.

"T-t-thank you," she stuttered out, her breathing still trying to be calm.

"Anything for you, remember that." I kissed her on her forehead and stood back up, bringing Anna up with me.

"Smile, Anna. Let's go eat dinner. How's about pizza? That sound good?"

Her face lit up and she nodded enthusiastically, leading me back downstairs.

Nobody hurts my baby girl.

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