Chapter Ten

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A/N: Wow, I didn't think I'd have the motivation to go to chapter ten but I'm falling in love with this story. It doesn't have many views at the moment but I'm not bothered, hopefully it'll pick up but I'm not here to gain popularity. I simply wanted to put my free time to something I'd benefit from, which this has done so - sounds worthwhile to me! I have tried to advertise this as I thrive off feedback, however positive or negative, but I've not been very successful. If you guys want to help me shape the book with ideas, I will use them (no questions asked, I will put any idea you want into this book in one way or another!) I hope to continue this book until Anna has grew up and I have managed to cover everything I want to. To do this, I've set myself a target of 100 chapters (with 1200-1500 words per chapter). Although I am pessimistic about getting any responses, can you please (if anyone even reads this far) let me know if you want any negativity like Demi's problems coming back or Anna following in Demi's mental footprint. I do struggle to write stuff like that so it's likely that I will barely cover it unless a reader wants me to. Saying that, depending on how I feel, I may write about it. Anyway, enough of my rambling! 

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The alarm clock rang out in mine and Demi's bedroom and I shuffled around aimlessly to try and hit the snooze button without opening my eyes. It's been six weeks since the car crash and things are slowly falling into place. A few days ago, me and Demi legally adopted Anna and I have moved into Demi's house, along with Anna. The final payments from Demi and Anna's parents' home are being sorted and everything feels somewhat normal, if I can even call it that. It took just over a month for the court to finally allow me and Demi to adopt her, which was exhausting but we are both thankful it was done as quick as it could be. Although I've moved into Demi's house, I do visit back home on occasions.

I continued to search for the alarm clock, running my hands up the front to reach the snooze button, until another hand beat me to it. I opened one eye and looked at Demi, having cleverly hovered over me to hit it first. She lowered back into the bed and turned on her side, a little groggy. I rolled over to face her back and wrapped an arm across her.

"Good morning, baby."


I let a sleepy sigh escape my lips before replying to Wilmer.

"Good morning, what time is it?" I could feel the shuffle of pillows as he turned around to check the clock.

"It's nine."

I mumbled an "okay" back and turned to face Wilmer, nuzzling my nose on his nose.

I smirked as he laughed, pecking a kiss on my forehead. I love waking up to this now things are settled and we can grieve without any stress or just take our time doing anything. I kissed Wilmer on the lips to return his forehead kiss before I was interrupted by a squeaky voice.


I pulled away from Wilmer's lips to look at Anna, standing at the bottom of our bed, a teddy in hand and a scrunched up face on show. I tried to laugh away the embarrassment but my crimson cheeks gave it away. I rolled away from the intimate moment with Wilmer and sat up in bed, Anna not thinking twice to come and sit at the bottom and join me.

"Boys have cooties," she continued, pointing at Wilmer to which he laughed in response.

"Heck, if boys have cooties, so do I," I replied.

Now, I'm not quite sure if that made any sense, I was trying to channel a sluttish vibe that children wouldn't understand. Like, implying that I must have cooties because I've kissed a lot of boys.

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