Chapter Thirteen

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I kept my eyes shut, although I could hear my alarm clock ringing out and Demi shaking me. "Wake up, Anna, you're going to be late!"

I grumbled, tired and nervous.

"Turn the alarm clock off," I managed to mumble out and then the room fell silent. I opened one eye to look at a very grouchy Demi stare over me.

"Come on, baby girl. Get ready, it's your first day."

"I'm scared, Demi. I'm nervous too."

"You don't have anything to worry about. I've put your outfit out on the side, you don't mind me picking it for you?" 

I shook my head. "I don't mind."

"Good, waffles with syrup are on the kitchen island downstairs, I'll warm them up after you're out of the shower. You have an hour to shower, get ready and eat. You think you can do that?"

I nodded, too tired to open my mouth.

"I'll see you in an hour then."

Demi left my room and I reluctantly got out of bed and slowly walked, like a zombie, to the bathroom.


I went back into my bedroom and stared at Wilmer, sitting up in bed. We argued last night and things are a bit rocky today. I love him a lot but I don't want, nor need, him getting jealous over friendships I have (and, by the way, have had for a long fucking time!) with males. Females, he doesn't care. But males, jeez all hell breaks loose. I took my phone off the dressing table and perched on the end of my bed. My phone buzzed and the screen lit up.

1 New Message - Nick

I smiled to myself, glad that our friendship is close again but kind of scared to open it in case Wilmer throws a hissy fit. I opened it anyway, the curiosity biting away at me too much to not.

Hi Demi, loved catchin up w/ u last week. Hope u & A ok. Xx

I smiled to myself once again and glanced back at Wilmer, who was just staring. "That was Nick, wasn't it?" Wilmer said, a sharpness in his voice that I didn't like.

"What's it to you? Do I ask who texts you?" I snapped and then looked back down at my phone.

Hi Nick, loved it too. We r great thanx, should catch up soon. Begin work again in 3 months, joy. Hope u ok. Xx

As soon as I pressed send, Wilmer leaned over and snatched the phone from my grasp. My face instantly flushed red with anger and I turned back at Wilmer. I attempted to snatch my phone back but he was too fast, shooting up from the bed and visibly scrolling through my conversation with Nick. I took a deep breath, trying my best not to lose it.

"What the FUCK do you think you're doing? Give me my phone back!" I went to snatch my phone back again but Wilmer was just that quicker than me and swiped it from my grasp. "Don't fuck with me, Wilmer. Give me it back now."

Wilmer just continued to scroll through. "Loved it, did you? Meeting him? Did you love it?"

I was so enraged by his out of order actions (that, by the way, were not like him) that I just flew my fist directly at his face. He stopped scrolling and dropped my phone, using that hand to clutch his face. I took this chance to fetch my phone from the floor and screamed at Wilmer.

"Get the fuck out! Don't come back, fuck you! I want you gone when I'm back!" Wilmer just stared, shocked at not only me, but himself. I must admit, I'm shocked too.

Did I really just punch him?

I left the bedroom in a hurry and rushed down the stairs, fueled by my anger. "Anna, let's go to school."

"But, my breakf-"


Anna gulped at my outburst and hurridly fetched her bag and shoes, tripping over herself occasionally whilst rushing to the door. I slammed the front door and carelessly flung the car door open, hopping inside and rolling back out of the driveway. On the way to Anna's school, she tried to ask me what happened but I kept a straight, crimson-flushed face and ignored her questions. Anna jumped out of the car once I parked outside her school and popped her head through the open car window.

"Love you, Demi."

I smiled, realising how worked up I had got over the fight this morning.

"Love you too."


JA-HEEZUS! What happened there? I'm so confused. I slung the two straps of my backpack on my arms and hurried inside the building. I have no idea where to go. I chewed my lip, staring around the hallway that greeted me as soon as I stepped inside. The man who enrolled me here, the principal, waved me into his office from the other side of the corridor. I rushed towards him and slowly snaked into the office, sitting on the chair where I sat with Demi. The man smiled at me.

"Call me Mr. Connolly, just in case you forgot. I accidentally didn't give you your timetables and other stuff like I said I would, so here you are." The man passed me a bunch of different papers and I kept the timetable and map separate, putting everything else in the side pocket of my backpack.

"Thank you," I mumbled, intimidated by the man.

"No problem, are you ready for your first lesson? If I remember rightly, it's math."

"Yes, sir. Mr. Connolly, sir." My cheeks flushed, I am so embarrassed! Sir? Really, Anna?

The man laughed at me and allowed me to leave. I snatched the timetable and map off the table and left the principal's office. I stared at the timetable and, after a few minutes, managed to work out where I was supposed to go. Thankfully, I stay in the same room for all of my lessons so I only need to work out where to go once. Lunch is at 12 on the dot, hallelujah. 

I came to a halt and stared at the shut door in front of me, matching the classroom number with that on my timetable. I'm here. I swallowed the big lump in my throat and then knocked on the door, opening it afterwards. The lady, I'm assuming is my new teacher, was sat behind the desk. Around 15 children were dotted around the classroom at their separate desks. They all stopped talking once I walked in. After a few seconds, they all talked among themselves and I could hear a few people mumble my name. I didn't think anyone knows me, guess they've all been watching their Camp Rock. I don't think they'll know Demi, or me for that matter, from anything else. Maybe Princess Protection Program, although I don't really look much like Demi. 

The lady who was sat beside the desk was now stood up and smiling at me. "You're the new student, right?"

I nodded my head. "Yes, I'm An-Anna."

"Ah, that's right! Anna Lovato. Wonderful."

I felt my cheeks get hotter and the children quietened down, before one of the chunky boys at the front broke the silence. "That's it! Mitchie Torres!" I awkwardly laughed (I have now seen both Camp Rock films five times each, thanks to the endless days off and nothing to do) and the teacher showed me to my seat, right at the front and in the corner. I guess I could focus better there. 


I stared at the ceiling of my bedroom (or is it my old bedroom? I don't know right now) and finished packing the last of some of my clothes. I only have one suitcase with me and I've phoned a friend in Louisiana, only a state over. I zipped the suitcase up and dragged it down the stairs, in a state of numbness. I don't know what to do. I love Demi and I'm sorry about what happened, I really am. But I guess I can't take it back, can I? She made up her mind.

I block the negative thoughts out of my mind and leave the house, suitcase in hand. I locked the front door and got in my car, putting the suitcase on the backseat. Just as I was rolling out of the driveway, Demi pulled up beside me. I glanced in the rear view mirror and watched Demi absolutely ignore my car and pretend that it wasn't there, and kept watching until her car was in the driveway and out of view. I blinked back tears and then hit the road, making the five hour trip to Louisiana, Demi on my mind the whole way there.

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