#4-Nutcracker part 2

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"Are you stalking me?"

Tokyo, night time
Author POV

"Excuse you?" You scoffed. "Why the hell would I be stalking you? If I wanted to know how you were doing, I could just come and ask you, but you're such an asshole, that I can't even breathe near you and you get annoyed"

You were pissed. Really pissed. For how long have you been bearing this emotions?

You don't know exactly.

Urie clicked his tongue in annoyance and said: "Why would you do this?"

"Why would you doubt me in the first place?!" You yelled at him

"Because I don't know who should I trust anymore" he simply said

"So you prefer to believe this shitty situation without an explanation and call me a liar?!"

"And what should I tell you? Congrats?" He asked, raising his voice a bit

"Ok, you know what? This was the last straw!" You shouted, getting up from the couch

"(She snapped) What?" He bluntly said

"I just wanted to know what's wrong with you, what's bugging you these days, but you're acting like a little bitch! You've been so distant, I don't know why, I told myself 'Maybe it's because of the case, maybe it's because of that damned surgery', but no! You're getting more and more distant and I don't know if it's my fault!"

These words were like knives in your heart. Hurting you more and more and him distancing from you was the biggest pain you could ever handle. You could feel some tears forming in the corner of your eyes. You didn't want to let him see you cry.

"(Shit) Wait. You knew? How did you know I wanted the surgery?" Urie asked, avoiding your gaze

"I found out today, the doctor told me. He said I'm the only one who knows about this" you said, sighing

"Actually, Yonebayashi... She told me that you wanted to undergo the procedure and she tried to stop you, but you wouldn't listen" he continued. "When I heard about that, I wanted to have the surgery as well, that's why we're here and I went all the way to Chigyou (And maybe I would have stopped you before that)"

"So... you're the one stalking me. You just said those thing to save your ass, but failed miserably" you chuckled softly, trying to hold back your tears

"No" he simply said

"Come on, admit it for once" you playfully punched his left shoulder

"(No, not now, never) So, what are you going to do?" He asks, finally meeting your gaze

"Well" you started, taking your papers from his hands. "First of all, I'm doing this"

In front of him, you started to rip the papers, turning it in smaller pieces, throwing them over the balcony, shocking him a little.

"You ecologist" he said sarcastically, giving you a small smile

Even if he was an asshole, you loved him. Yes, you would slap him every time he hurts your feelings, you could slap him right now, but...

Seeing him smile, just for a bit, in front of you, made you feel...


Why important?

Just like in that day, when you told him his happiness is precious to you...

"Second of all" you continued. "If you still want that surgery, I respect your choice, I'm rooting for you" you said giving him a closed eyes smile, making even the coldest person's heart melt. "And third of all... because she was the only one who knew about all of this, I'm going to rip all of her colors off of her" you said, taking a deep breath, feeling how an evil aura was floating around you

"Before you do that... thanks... I guess"

He let his head fall in the crook of your neck, his hands finding their way on your waist as you could feel your face heating up like hell, but you hugged him back. You wished that embrace could last forever...


Thump, thump, thump

"Saiko-chan, what the actual fuck?!" You yelled, slamming the door open

But she was lucky. She was sleeping and she got a sleep that it's difficult to wake her up from.

"You'll see tomorrow" you whispered

"I'm so dead" mumbled Saiko under her blanket

Time skip
Next day, morning

Urie was standing in the living room, reading the newspaper as usual, every moment from last night flashing before his eyes.

The moment you snapped, your smiling face, your soft laugh, that embrace you both needed so much and the talk with Haise.

Right... how did it went with Haise?

Flash back
Last night
Urie POV

"This woman is going to drive me crazy" I told myself, massaging my temples in frustration

Reading again the papers for the procedure, I went to Sasaki's room for his signature.


"A surgical consent form. I need you to sign it" I said, looking Sasaki in the eye

"...Surgical?" He asks confused

"Frame release. My rising RC levels have stabilized. And I feel like I'm handling my kagune better than before. I think I should take the next step in the experiment"

"Experiment...?" He asks more confused. "I... accepted the role of your mentor from bureau chief Washuu... to help all of you to use your powers properly" he continued. "But had I been a part of the QS project from the planning stage... without hesitation, I would've..." it sounded more like a whisper, like he was talking to himself. "None of you are guinea pigs" he sighed. "Give me time to think about it" he said, giving a comforting smile. "Your QS abilities aren't everything. You still have a lot of room to grow"

"(Fuck it) ...Alright, if you say so"


Leaning on the door of my room, I sigh in frustration.

"Freaking Sasaki... Guinea pigs... to me, those abilities are everything"

I went through all of this and I was about to make her cry.

But how is it my fault? Just because I care for her?

What a... wasted evening...

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