#13-I was here all the time

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Author POV

"What... a night..." you said after you woke up

Last night, Sasaki lost control after the fight with the white haired ghoul, but shortly after, Arima-san and his people had to weaken him with their quinques or else, he would've completely lose his senses. Now, he's resting in the CCG's hospital at Arima-san's orders.


"Morning" you greteed Mutsuki when you went downstairs to the kitchen

"Good morning, [Y/N]-chan!" He greets back. "Are you feeling well?"

"I am, but I should be the one asking you this" you said, looking for coffee

"Don't worry, the wounds healed and I'm feeling fine" he said smiling

"If you say so" you replied, taking a sip of coffee

"But, there's something bugging me" he said, frowning


"What... happened there? I mean, when you went after Big Madam with Urie-kun"

Feeling your face burning of embarrassment and shock, you spit out the coffee, coughing the hell out of you at how Mutsuki caught you off guard so early in the morning.

"[Y/N]-chan, what's wrong?!" He exclaimed, coming closer, patting your back, clearly nervous

"N-nothing" you said between your coughs. "But you heard him, Big Madam is dead"

"A-alright" he said, looking away

In the next moment, the door opened, revealing a half asleep man that you knew oh, so well.

"Ah! Good morning, Urie-kun!" greteed Mutsuki

"Morning" he muttered

"M-morning" you stuttered, your face going 50 shades redder

"Morning" he smiles, ruffling your hair a bit

"Good thing Mutsuki isn't watching or else he'll ask me a thousand questions" you thought. "He's so vulnerable right now"

You smiled at the thought he looks so cute when he's half asleep.

"Morning" greteed Shirazu and Saiko when they entered the kitchen

"Whoa, what's up with everyone? Waking up this early, especially Saiko" you chuckled

"I think she's starting to get used to this--" started Shirazu, but oh, how wrong he was about Saiko

She literally fell asleep, a loud thud sound was heard as she hit the cold floor.

"Oi! Saiko!" Shouted Shirazu

"I'll take her back to her room" you said, getting up from your seat

"Thanks, [Y/N]-chan" said Shirazu, patting your shoulder

"Oi" said Urie, grabbing you by the hand, before picking Saiko up

"Y-yeah?" You turned to face him

"See you later on the balcony" he whispered

"A-alright" you whispered back

"What's up with those two?" Asked Shirazu, looking at Mutsuki who just shrugged


"Why didn't you stay in bed if you were tired?" You asked Saiko as you were carefully placing her on the bed

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