#5-Unsolved case and one hell of a date

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Chateau, morning

"I said I'm sorry over a thousand times by now! How many times do I have to say it until you stop thinking about how you'll kill me?!" Whined Saiko, waving her hands desperately, like fighting for her life

"Dude, I literally just opened the door" I said furrowing my right brow. "And stop saying I'm thinking about how to kill you. I already know how to kill you" I said, giving her an evil grin as she was sweating nervously

I started to check out every inch of the room until my eyes caught something interesting.

Her precious video game...

"So" I said snatching the game from under the bed. "You were aware that I would take your game and you tried to hide it, huh?"

"My life! My levels! My progress! You monster! You wouldn't dare!" Cried Saiko, trying to take the game from my hands, but the height difference made it impossible for her

"Oh, I would" I said as a cracking noise was heard

"How the heck are you so strong?!" Shouted Saiko, jumping for her game

"Silly, you thought I'm breaking your console?" I thought. In reality, I was cracking some pasta behind my back, making her think I was about to break her game in two

Hey, I'm not that cruel, I have my ways

"Noooo!" she whined. "I'll do anything, p-please, my game..." she muttered, giving me those puppy eyes

"That's... not going to work with me" I say, looking her in the eye

Who the hell am I kidding, the puppy eyes are my weakness and this is her speciality...!

"Anything?" I ask giving a smug smirk

"Anything!" She cried

"That means you'll have to talk" I say, avoiding the puppy eyes

"I-I'll talk! I promise!" She shouted

"You better should" I say, giving back her console

"My child!" She whines, hugging the game. "I will never let Mama [Y/N]-chan to take you away from me, ever again"

"Mama?" I asked, chuckling

"You're like a mother, really. Your character now is just like a mother's and your outfit as well. Wait, I have to check for cracks!" Saiko shouted, turning desperately the console on every side

"Haah?" I deadpanned

I was wearing a white t-shirt with black jeans and a grey cardigan. My [H/C] hair was tied up in a bun and I was wearing my white sneakers.

"I don't look like a mother!" I said raising my voice a bit. "And you said you'll talk. By the way, where's the trash can?"

"It doesn't got any cracks" muttered Saiko


"Huh? Oh, yeah, right here" she said, pointing at a small white trash bin. "What's that?" She asked, now looking at me

"Pasta" I answer

"For... what?" She asks confused

"Does your game got any cracks?" I ask


"Good" I said throwing everything in the trash

"What the... oh... oh! OOOOH! Why are you so cruel?!" She shouted. "For a moment, I thought you really cracked it!"

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