#20-Rosé extermination part 2

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The cringe in this chapter as well, oof, I'm so sorry

Chateau, evening

"So... you're pregnant" starts Kuki after a moment of silence

"Guess I am" I reply

"All right"

"All right"



"Oh my god, I'm so not cut out for this" he groaned, covering his face with his hands

"Excuse me?! What happened to the confident and calm dork from earlier?!" I frown

"I just don't feel ready" he retorted

"Listen here, you fucker" I said, taking him by the collar. "You got me in this mess, we're going to make it work together. Capiche?"

"Capiche..." he muttered

"Good" I said, letting him go

"I'm going to talk with Ui Kori"

"Why?" I ask confused

"I don't want you to be a part of this mission"

"What the... why?!" I flinch at his statement

"[Y/N], I don't want you to take such a risk when you're... like this and that's final. I don't want to argue"

"All right" I puffed my cheeks


Author POV

"What's wrong, Prince Uri?" Asked Shirazu, plopping on the couch from the living room

"Nothing (why do you even care?)" he answers

"Oh, c'mon, I'm reading you like an open book, clearly something is wrong" sassed Shirazu

"You can read?" Says Urie sarcastically

"You fucker!" Exclaimed Shirazu, punching Urie's right shoulder. "Don't give me your shit like sarcasm, I'm trying to help you!"

"(No) Thanks" Urie muttered

"So... what happened? Did you two fight again?"



"Guys!" You yelled, making both Urie and Shirazu turn their heads to you

"What happened, [Y/N]-chan?" Asked Shirazu kinda confused by your sudden yelling

"This happened" you said as you took a seat between them, opening your laptop. "It was posted on the CCG's website"

'Hello Rosé. That's what we call you... for convenience. I thought I'd give you an update on one of your aprehended members. We've interrogated him a number of times. But he seems to have no intention of talking. And so... I figured... he doesn't need his tongue. Wait a second. He seems to have a lot of things he doesn't need. Only I know this location. If you kill me, perhaps you can save him. I am Shiki Kijima, you won't forget a face like this, now will you? Come kill me. Day or night. I'll be waiting, Rosé"

The clip had the short investigator with a sewed scar on his right eye in it, showing perhaps to Rosé what he have done to one of their men

"Oh my god" you closed your eyes, covering your mouth with your hand

"This guy is nuts!" Exclaimed Shirazu while Urie softly massaged your left shoulder with his hand. "This was so gross, I can't"

"What the hell is he trying to do?" You said, opening your eyes. "Does he have a death wish?"

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