#34-I swear, I'll fight for you

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A/N: I highly recommend to play this song for a better reading experience

Author POV

With shaky hands, you placed a hand on the doorknob as you swing opened the door, slamming it against the wall





"Oh my god..." you murmured, covering your mouth with your hands, shocked

Processing what just happened, you slowly aproached him, going to his bed

"Is this real?! He really woke up! He's alive... Shirazu!!" You thought

Overwhelmed by emotions, you threw your hands behind his neck, pulling him closer in a hug

"Shi...Shirazu!" You cried as he shyly returned the hug

"O-oi...It's okay... I'm... here..." he muttered as you sobbed uncontrollably

He gently patted your back as your sobs turned into whimpers and you let him go, sitting in the chair next to him, when...


You jolted as you heard someone calling your name

And you knew who it was...

It was Urie who you just simply left without any explanation

He stood in the door frame, panting heavily, his face all red

"Kuki..." you murmured

"Yo" greeted Shirazu the purple haired man

Urie looked up and his mind went completely blank, his eyes widening in shock as he looked at a certain blonde haired male who smiled brightly at him

"Y-yo" he greeted back

He couldn't believe his eyes...

That Shirazu finally woke up...

"You idiot!" You exclaimed, waking him up to reality. "Why did you come running when you're sick?! Couldn't you take a cab or something?!" You scolded him, placing a hand on his burning face

"If you didn't run off like an idiot, maybe we could have come here together" he retorted as he started to cough in his hand. "Luckily, you didn't end the call, so here we are"

"Why didn't you wait for me to come back home, then?!"

He didn't reply, he just rolled his eyes, coughing even more

"Yo, Prince Uri, still stubborn as ever, eh?" Mocked Shirazu as he stuck his tongue out at Urie

"Guess you never change, huh, Shirazu?" Replied Urie, flashing a small smile

"Whoa, dudes, I think I woke up on the wrong side of reality. Urie is smiling" Said Shirazu, still mocking Urie as you started to laugh

"I'll call Saiko" you giggled as you took out your phone


"Shirazuki!!" Cried Saiko as she jumped on the bed, pulling Shirazu in a hug

"Oi, Saiko! You're choking me!" Whined the blonde haired male as the bluenette hugged him tighter

"I missed you so much!!" She sobbed

"I missed you too, shortie..." he chuckled, hugging her back. "But I have a question" he said, catching everyone's attention

"Sure, what is it?" You replied, giving him a questioning look

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