Chapter 6

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Lana's POV

"I-ill show y-you" he whimpered....

"Ok, bud" I smiled, glad he finally decided to trust me. Blushing at the small nickname he stated
"But please don't laugh, or tell anyone"

"I would never do anything you wouldn't want me to"
"Thanks" with a bright red face he opened the door. I gasped at how different the room looked from before. Tears welled up in his eyes as he heard me gasp.

"No no no, don't cry" I pulled him into a hug as we sat on the bed. Taking the time to look at his room. Picking out my favorite feature which included the collection of flower crowns. As well as the scattered lights. And bringing the room together was the assortment of pastel colors that roamed the room.

"Why are you crying, Gray," I asked, looking into his eyes.
"Y-you think im weird or a freak. Don't you"
"No, baby" realizing what just came out of my mouth and blushing.
"B-bab-y?" He gulped, not knowing if I really spoke those words. In response, I just nodded and giggled.

"Wait was that an i-insult, by c-calling me a baby. Like a child" wow he is so sensitive and insecure.
"No. I would never, can I ask you something by the way" he chuckled at me saying his not a child. Then nodding his head I asked " why do know...have these...things"

As we stayed put I hoped so desperately for the answer I was desiring.
"I-im an uh little" he whispered. Excitement filled throughout me when that left his precious lips. Hugging him tighter I finally asked the undeniable question "do you have a caretaker"

There was a long pause before I got my answer "no, I wanta mama. But I wouldn't expect the one I want to want me". I was extremely enthusiastic about him saying he doesn't have one, however, he said he's got his eye on someone.

I huffed out " who is it, Gray". He shook his head in a way of saying 'no'. Getting aggravated by his so-called answer I spoke: "omg, just tell me, Grayson". Gray whispered out a small
" it's you". Though it wasn't much of an answer I exploded on the inside, my heart melting.

I take my hands, pressing them to his cheeks, bringing him impossibly closer. Bringing us into a passionate kiss full of love. We both smiled while pulling apart. Bringing his face close once more I whispered in his ear "im a mommy, who wants a baby boy".

Giggling he's eyes filled with hope " will you be my mommy".
"Of course"
"Thank you"
"Thank you, what"
"Thank you, mama"
"Good boy"
We had eventually fallen asleep in one another's arms as I spoke sweet nothings to Grayson.

After about an hour later I was woken by a text from my mom asking if I could pick up papers for her from her work. Without a doubt, i replied yes. The one problem was figuring out how to get out of Grays little grip without waking him.

I quickly slid out of bed, replacing my self with one of Grays pillows. I should be back before he wakes.

Eventually, i successfully left the Dolan household and was off to my moms work. On my way there I listened to a video from the twins YouTube channel. Gray had told me about it the day we met, I've been nonstop binge watching ever since. In the videos, Grayson was much different in comparison to a few hours ago.

I finally arrive at her work and hop out of my car. Swaying my hips to the imaginary music in my head.
Once I had made it back to Grayson's I was walking through his house looking for my boyfriend, but I couldn't find him anywhere. I looked in the kitchen, bathroom, living room, closets.

"Yah! Grayson Dolan where are you?!" You yell as you walk up the stairs to his bedroom. (I know if she left him and he was in his room then she should have looked there first, but I needed more words so...😂)

When you open the door you find your boyfriend sitting at the end of the bed, looking down at his hands.
"Gray! There you are! I've been looking for you all over the place." You say and walk over to him, he stays quiet. "Grayson? Earth to Grayson?" You say and wave a hand in front of his face. He's still not responding and fiddles with his hands more. "Baby boy what's wrong? Why are you not answering me?" You ask and sit down next to him, wrapping an arm around his waist. You hear him sniffle.

"Lana, am I too flawed?" He asks softly, you gasp and ask why he's asking such a question. "Because I read so many comments online from fans saying different things. I'm too skinny, I'm too chubby, I eat too much or I don't eat enough. I don't know what to do or how to please them, Some fans are, lling me mean names for looking too skinny and.. And.. " he pauses, biting down on his lip to stop a sob from leaving his mouth. You reach your hand over to gently turn his head to face you and you notice his eyes are red and puffy from crying with tear stains still on his face.

"Baby you are perfect the way you are and you don't need nobody, not even me to tell you that. Though I will tell you again and again how beautiful you are. You need to focus on your own happiness instead of trying to please them." You say and kiss him softly, reaching your hand down under his thigh and pull him onto your lap. Grayson wraps his arms around your neck while yours end up around his waist. Looking up at him, you smile at him and pepper his cheeks with soft kisses earning a giggle from him. "See that baby? That was beautiful. Your laugh is absolutely flawless and adorable." You say and he tries to look away to hide his blush, but you saw it anyways

"Mommy, " Grayson whispered softly

"Yes, baby?"

"Can,... Can you make me feel beautiful tonight?" He asks so softly you almost don't hear him, but you did and you give him the biggest smile, your hands grip onto his hips...


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